CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Neon Smoke

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Glynn Rodgers (UK) - November 2022
Neon Smoke - Gord Bamford
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Phrasing: 4 Count Tag danced after walls 3&8 and also after count 8 of wall 6.

[1-8] Jazz Box Cross, Point & Point, Reverse Sailor ¼ Turn.
1-2Cross right over left, step back on left foot.
3-4Step right to right side, cross left over right.
5&6Point right to right side, close right to left, point left to left side.
7&8Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping on right, step left to place. (Note: This is a sailor ¼, albeit the wrong way, and not a weave, so shouldn’t travel too far right)
TAG Danced here during wall 6 facing 12:00 (starts at 9:00), then start again from count 1.

[9-16] Walk Forward, Anchor Step, Back, Sweep x3, Cross Behind.
1-2Walk forward right-left.
3&4Step on ball of right foot behind left heel, recover weight on left, step slightly back right.
5-6Step back left sweeping right foot back, step back right sweeping left foot back.
7-8Step back left sweeping right foot back, cross right behind left.

[17-24] Press, Recover, Behind & Cross, ¼ Flick, Step, Lock Step.
1Press out to left on the ball of the left foot, rolling hips anti-clockwise.
2Recover weight on to right foot continuing to roll hips as you do.
3&4Cross left behind right, step right slightly to right side, cross left over right.
5-6Flick right heel back turning ¼ left, step forward right.
7&8Step forward left, lock right behind left, step forward left.

[25-32] Rock Step & Touch & Touch & Touch, Step, Pivot ¼ Turn.
1-2Rock forward right, recover weight on to left.
&3Step/jump back to right diagonal on right foot, touch left beside right.
&4Step/jump back to left diagonal on left foot, touch right beside left.
&5-6Step/jump back to right diagonal on right foot, touch left beside right, step forward left.
7-8Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left.
TAG Danced here after walls 3 (Facing 3:00) and wall 8 (Facing 6:00).

TAG Right Jazz Box.
1-2Cross right over left, step back on left foot.
3-4Step right to right side, step left beside right.

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