Intro: 16 counts, start with lyrics
[1-8] R Rock Fwd - Rec L, R Coaster, Pivot Turn R, Step Scuff
1-2Rock fwd on R, recover on L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R fwd
5-6Step fwd on L, ½ pivot turn R
7-8Step fwd on L, scuff R into ¼ turn R
[9-16] Weight Transfer, R Shuffle Step, Wizard Steps
1-2¼ turn into step R fwd (lean into R hip), transfer weight back to L hip/foot
3&4Shuffle step fwd on R
5-6&Wizard step L
7-8&Wizard step R
[17-24] Heel Taps, Hook Heel ¼ Turn, Step Step, Hip Shakes
1&2L heel tap fwd, step L foot together, R heel tap fwd
3&4Hook R ft over L, R heel tap fwd, flick R ft back into ¼ turn L
5-6Step R to R side, step L to L side
7&8Hip shakes
[25-32] Kick Ball Taps, Knee Up ½ Turn, ¾ Turn L-R-L
1&2Kick R ft fwd, step R foot together, tap L toe to L side
3&4Kick L ft fwd, step L foot together, tap R toe to R side
5-6R knee up into ½ turn R, step R ft back into ¼ turn R
7&8¾ turn L: Step onto L ft, ½ turn into step fwd on R, ¼ turn into step fwd on L
TAG: L stomp, R stomp, L stomp, clap
(1) After the 2nd repetition, do the first 12 counts of the 3rd repetition then TAG then restart.
(2) You will do the TAG in-between repetitions towards the end of the song when you hear the “beep beep beeeeep.”
[1-8] R Rock Fwd - Rec L, R Coaster, Pivot Turn R, Step Scuff
1-2Rock fwd on R, recover on L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R fwd
5-6Step fwd on L, ½ pivot turn R
7-8Step fwd on L, scuff R into ¼ turn R
[9-16] Weight Transfer, R Shuffle Step, Wizard Steps
1-2¼ turn into step R fwd (lean into R hip), transfer weight back to L hip/foot
3&4Shuffle step fwd on R
5-6&Wizard step L
7-8&Wizard step R
[17-24] Heel Taps, Hook Heel ¼ Turn, Step Step, Hip Shakes
1&2L heel tap fwd, step L foot together, R heel tap fwd
3&4Hook R ft over L, R heel tap fwd, flick R ft back into ¼ turn L
5-6Step R to R side, step L to L side
7&8Hip shakes
[25-32] Kick Ball Taps, Knee Up ½ Turn, ¾ Turn L-R-L
1&2Kick R ft fwd, step R foot together, tap L toe to L side
3&4Kick L ft fwd, step L foot together, tap R toe to R side
5-6R knee up into ½ turn R, step R ft back into ¼ turn R
7&8¾ turn L: Step onto L ft, ½ turn into step fwd on R, ¼ turn into step fwd on L
TAG: L stomp, R stomp, L stomp, clap
(1) After the 2nd repetition, do the first 12 counts of the 3rd repetition then TAG then restart.
(2) You will do the TAG in-between repetitions towards the end of the song when you hear the “beep beep beeeeep.”