Intro: 24 Counts, Start at approx 9 secs
SEC 1: Basic Forward, Basic Back
123Big step left forward, close right next to left, step left in place next to right, (12:00)
456Big Step right back, close left next to right, step right in place next to left, (12:00)
SEC 2: Step ¼ Point, Drag
123Turn ¼ Step left forward and point right toe to right, hold, (9:00)
456Drag right towards left over 3 counts, (9:00)
SEC 3: Step Side, Rock Back, Step Side, Rock Back
123Step right to right side, rock left behind right, recover onto right, (9:00)
456Step left to left side, rock right behind left, recover onto left, (9:00)
SEC 4: Step Side, Behind – Side – Cross, Hold
123Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, (9:00)
456Cross left over right, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 5: Rock & Cross, Side, Drag
123Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right over, (9:00)
456Big step left to left side, drag right towards left over 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 6: Behind – Side – Cross, Side, Drag
123Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, (9:00)
456Big step left to left side, drag right towards left over 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 7: Twinkle Back x2
123Cross right behind left, rock left to left side, recover onto right, (9:00)
456Cross left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left, (9:00)
SEC 8: Coaster Step, Step, Hold
123Step right back, close left beside right, step right forward, (9:00)
456Step left forward, hold for 1 counts, close right beside left, (9:00)
SEC 9: Ball, Rock Forward, Recover
123Rock left forward, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
456Recover onto right, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 10: Step, Point, Step, Pivot 1/2
123Step left forward, point right toe to right side, hold, (9:00)
456Step right forward, step left forward, make ½ right as you take weight onto right, (3:00)
SEC 11: Rock Forward, Recover
123Rock left forward, hold for 2 counts, (3:00)
456Recover onto right, hold for 2 counts, (3:00)
SEC 12: Step, Point, Step, Pivot 1/2
123Step left forward, point right toe to right side, hold, (3:00)
456Step right forward, step left forward, make ½ right as you take weight onto right, (9:00)
Contact: Leeh040595@icloud.com or aprilcoady@hotmail.com
SEC 1: Basic Forward, Basic Back
123Big step left forward, close right next to left, step left in place next to right, (12:00)
456Big Step right back, close left next to right, step right in place next to left, (12:00)
SEC 2: Step ¼ Point, Drag
123Turn ¼ Step left forward and point right toe to right, hold, (9:00)
456Drag right towards left over 3 counts, (9:00)
SEC 3: Step Side, Rock Back, Step Side, Rock Back
123Step right to right side, rock left behind right, recover onto right, (9:00)
456Step left to left side, rock right behind left, recover onto left, (9:00)
SEC 4: Step Side, Behind – Side – Cross, Hold
123Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, (9:00)
456Cross left over right, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 5: Rock & Cross, Side, Drag
123Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right over, (9:00)
456Big step left to left side, drag right towards left over 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 6: Behind – Side – Cross, Side, Drag
123Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, (9:00)
456Big step left to left side, drag right towards left over 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 7: Twinkle Back x2
123Cross right behind left, rock left to left side, recover onto right, (9:00)
456Cross left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left, (9:00)
SEC 8: Coaster Step, Step, Hold
123Step right back, close left beside right, step right forward, (9:00)
456Step left forward, hold for 1 counts, close right beside left, (9:00)
SEC 9: Ball, Rock Forward, Recover
123Rock left forward, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
456Recover onto right, hold for 2 counts, (9:00)
SEC 10: Step, Point, Step, Pivot 1/2
123Step left forward, point right toe to right side, hold, (9:00)
456Step right forward, step left forward, make ½ right as you take weight onto right, (3:00)
SEC 11: Rock Forward, Recover
123Rock left forward, hold for 2 counts, (3:00)
456Recover onto right, hold for 2 counts, (3:00)
SEC 12: Step, Point, Step, Pivot 1/2
123Step left forward, point right toe to right side, hold, (3:00)
456Step right forward, step left forward, make ½ right as you take weight onto right, (9:00)
Contact: Leeh040595@icloud.com or aprilcoady@hotmail.com