Step 1 through 8
1-2SStep forward RIGHT bring LEFT together
3-4Step forward LEFT bring right together
5-6Kick ball change
7-8Swing LEFT leg around (Step 8 is the swing)
Step 9 through 16:
9-10Touch LEFT over RIGHT, Step back RIGHT
11-12Bring LEFT back over RIGHT, Step RIGHT together
13-14Slide left (both counts)
15-16 180turn (Turn Around, Half Turn)
Step 17 through 24
17-18Rock forward RIGHT
19-20Rock Back RIGHT
21-24¼ turn LEFT with RIGHT foot pointed out to the RIGHT (repeat x 4)
Step 25 through 32:
25-26(hop to) Shift weight to RIGHT while Pointing out to the side with LEFT
27-28(hop to) Shift weight to LEFT while pointing out to the side with the RIGHT
29-30Bring left together, Bring RIGHT over LEFT, Step back LEFT w/ ¼ turn to the RIGHT
31-32Bring RIGHT back over LEFT (Start over)
Contact: miessauj@outlook.com
1-2SStep forward RIGHT bring LEFT together
3-4Step forward LEFT bring right together
5-6Kick ball change
7-8Swing LEFT leg around (Step 8 is the swing)
Step 9 through 16:
9-10Touch LEFT over RIGHT, Step back RIGHT
11-12Bring LEFT back over RIGHT, Step RIGHT together
13-14Slide left (both counts)
15-16 180turn (Turn Around, Half Turn)
Step 17 through 24
17-18Rock forward RIGHT
19-20Rock Back RIGHT
21-24¼ turn LEFT with RIGHT foot pointed out to the RIGHT (repeat x 4)
Step 25 through 32:
25-26(hop to) Shift weight to RIGHT while Pointing out to the side with LEFT
27-28(hop to) Shift weight to LEFT while pointing out to the side with the RIGHT
29-30Bring left together, Bring RIGHT over LEFT, Step back LEFT w/ ¼ turn to the RIGHT
31-32Bring RIGHT back over LEFT (Start over)
Contact: miessauj@outlook.com