#32 Count intro. No tags. No restarts.
S1: Shuffle right, rock back, shuffle left, rock back
1&2,3,4Step RLR to the right with a rock back on the left. (12:00)
5&6,7,8Step LRL to the left with a rock back on the right. (12:00)
S2: Shuffle forward, shuffle forward turning ¼ turn, Kick R step point L, Kick L step point R
1&2,3&4Shuffle forward, RLR, ¼ turn to the left, shuffle forward LRL (9:00)
5&6,7&8Kick R in front, step on R, touch L toe to left side, Kick L in front, step on L, touch R toe to right side (9:00)
S3: Samba in place, samba turning ¼ turn, shuffle across, long step with L, drag R to L
1&2,3&4Samba, R over L, L in place, R to the side (9:00), turning ¼ turn to the L, Samba, L over R, R in place, L to the side (6:00)
5&6,7,8Shuffle cross RLR with R over L, long step to the side with the L, drag R to the L, weight on R (6:00)
S4: Shuffle LRL turning ¼, step ½ turn on R, hitch left knee, shuffle forward LRL, mambo
1&2,3,4Turn body to face (3:00) and shuffle LRL, step forward on R, pivot ½ turn leaving weight on R (9:00), hitch L knee crossing the left foot over the R knee (9:00)
5&6,7&8Shuffle forward LRL, mambo to the right side, rock R recover L, touch the R toe beside L, weight remains on the L (9:00)
Start over.
The music slows down near the end of the song. Dance until the very end, facing 12:00 to finish.
Contact: donna_murray_@hotmail.com
Last Update: 3 Jan 2024
S1: Shuffle right, rock back, shuffle left, rock back
1&2,3,4Step RLR to the right with a rock back on the left. (12:00)
5&6,7,8Step LRL to the left with a rock back on the right. (12:00)
S2: Shuffle forward, shuffle forward turning ¼ turn, Kick R step point L, Kick L step point R
1&2,3&4Shuffle forward, RLR, ¼ turn to the left, shuffle forward LRL (9:00)
5&6,7&8Kick R in front, step on R, touch L toe to left side, Kick L in front, step on L, touch R toe to right side (9:00)
S3: Samba in place, samba turning ¼ turn, shuffle across, long step with L, drag R to L
1&2,3&4Samba, R over L, L in place, R to the side (9:00), turning ¼ turn to the L, Samba, L over R, R in place, L to the side (6:00)
5&6,7,8Shuffle cross RLR with R over L, long step to the side with the L, drag R to the L, weight on R (6:00)
S4: Shuffle LRL turning ¼, step ½ turn on R, hitch left knee, shuffle forward LRL, mambo
1&2,3,4Turn body to face (3:00) and shuffle LRL, step forward on R, pivot ½ turn leaving weight on R (9:00), hitch L knee crossing the left foot over the R knee (9:00)
5&6,7&8Shuffle forward LRL, mambo to the right side, rock R recover L, touch the R toe beside L, weight remains on the L (9:00)
Start over.
The music slows down near the end of the song. Dance until the very end, facing 12:00 to finish.
Contact: donna_murray_@hotmail.com
Last Update: 3 Jan 2024