INTRO: 16 Counts to the slower beat.
1 & 2 &Step R out to side, Step L out to side, Step R to center, Step L next to R
3 & 4 &REPEAT 1 & 2 & (Song says Double Dutch in the park)
5 & 6Scuff R heel fwd, Hitch R knee up, Step R back
7 & 8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
Step Option 1 - 4 &: Jog in place. Depends on your floor surface and individual capabilities.
May be done syncopated or whole counts. Do what’s best for you!
1 & 2Step R fwd, Pivot 1/4 L, Step R over L 9:00
3 & 41/4 turn R stepping L back, 1/4 turn R stepping R to side, Step L over R 3:00
5 & 6Step R to side, Step L next to R, Step R to side
7 & 8Rock L across R, Rec onto R, Step L to side
1Slide R towards L foot in a sweeping motion, pushing outward to R diagonal
2Slide L towards R foot in a sweeping motion, pushing outward to L diagonal
3 & 4Rock R across L, Rec onto L, Step R to side - toes angled inward
5Swivel R toes to R AND swivel L heel in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Bend at elbow bringing arms outward, palms facing fwd.
&Swivel R heel out to R AND L toes in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Turn arms downward, palms facing back.
6Swivel R toes to R AND swivel L heel in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Bend at elbow bringing arms outward, palms facing fwd.
(Easier side swivels option: Swivel BOTH heels, BOTH toes, BOTH heels traveling R.)
7&8&On balls of feet, travel fwd R,L,R,L - Swiveling heels outward each time. Knees Bent. Arms at your side. Palms facing down, OR do jazz hands!
(Song says, We going down, down baby.)
****** RESTART here on wall 3. Dance starts facing 6:00. Restart happens facing 9:00
RESTART here on wall 6. Dance starts facing 3:00. Restart happens facing 6:00
RESTART here on wall 7. Dance starts facing 6:00. Restart happens facing 9:00
CHUGS L - 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, STEP FWD, CHUGS R - 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, STEP FWD
1Turn 1/4 L on ball of L foot and Tap R toes out to side 12:00
&Slight hitch R knee towards L knee while turning 1/4 L on ball of L foot 9:00
2Tap R toes out to side
&Slight hitch R knee towards L knee while turning 1/4 L on ball of L foot 6:00
3 - 4Tap R toes out to side, Step R slightly fwd
5Turn 1/4 R on ball of R foot, Tap L toes out to side 9:00
&Slight hitch L knee towards R knee while turning 1/4 R on ball of R foot 12:00
6Tap L toes out to side
&Slight hitch L knee towards R knee while turning 1/4 R on ball of R foot 3:00
7Tap L toes out to side
8Step L slightly fwd
When the song ends, you will finish the first 8 counts of the dance facing 12:00!
Last Update - 20 Dec 2022 - R2
1 & 2 &Step R out to side, Step L out to side, Step R to center, Step L next to R
3 & 4 &REPEAT 1 & 2 & (Song says Double Dutch in the park)
5 & 6Scuff R heel fwd, Hitch R knee up, Step R back
7 & 8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
Step Option 1 - 4 &: Jog in place. Depends on your floor surface and individual capabilities.
May be done syncopated or whole counts. Do what’s best for you!
1 & 2Step R fwd, Pivot 1/4 L, Step R over L 9:00
3 & 41/4 turn R stepping L back, 1/4 turn R stepping R to side, Step L over R 3:00
5 & 6Step R to side, Step L next to R, Step R to side
7 & 8Rock L across R, Rec onto R, Step L to side
1Slide R towards L foot in a sweeping motion, pushing outward to R diagonal
2Slide L towards R foot in a sweeping motion, pushing outward to L diagonal
3 & 4Rock R across L, Rec onto L, Step R to side - toes angled inward
5Swivel R toes to R AND swivel L heel in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Bend at elbow bringing arms outward, palms facing fwd.
&Swivel R heel out to R AND L toes in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Turn arms downward, palms facing back.
6Swivel R toes to R AND swivel L heel in towards R foot (traveling R)
ARMS optional: Bend at elbow bringing arms outward, palms facing fwd.
(Easier side swivels option: Swivel BOTH heels, BOTH toes, BOTH heels traveling R.)
7&8&On balls of feet, travel fwd R,L,R,L - Swiveling heels outward each time. Knees Bent. Arms at your side. Palms facing down, OR do jazz hands!
(Song says, We going down, down baby.)
****** RESTART here on wall 3. Dance starts facing 6:00. Restart happens facing 9:00
RESTART here on wall 6. Dance starts facing 3:00. Restart happens facing 6:00
RESTART here on wall 7. Dance starts facing 6:00. Restart happens facing 9:00
CHUGS L - 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, STEP FWD, CHUGS R - 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, STEP FWD
1Turn 1/4 L on ball of L foot and Tap R toes out to side 12:00
&Slight hitch R knee towards L knee while turning 1/4 L on ball of L foot 9:00
2Tap R toes out to side
&Slight hitch R knee towards L knee while turning 1/4 L on ball of L foot 6:00
3 - 4Tap R toes out to side, Step R slightly fwd
5Turn 1/4 R on ball of R foot, Tap L toes out to side 9:00
&Slight hitch L knee towards R knee while turning 1/4 R on ball of R foot 12:00
6Tap L toes out to side
&Slight hitch L knee towards R knee while turning 1/4 R on ball of R foot 3:00
7Tap L toes out to side
8Step L slightly fwd
When the song ends, you will finish the first 8 counts of the dance facing 12:00!
Last Update - 20 Dec 2022 - R2