(4 restarts, walls 2, 4, 6, 8, and 1 TAG, wall 9)
INTRO: 16 counts from the start of the music (109 bpm) (3:24 min)
Section 1: Rhumba Box
1-2Step side right, step left next to right
3&4Shuffle forward R-L-R
5-6Step side left, step right next to left
7&8Shuffle back L-R-L
Section 2: Cross Rock Chasse R, Cross Rock ¼ turn left Chasse
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L
3&4Step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R
7&8¼ turn left, step L to L side, shuffle R-L
(Restart here on walls 4 and 8, facing 12:00)
Section 3: Lock Step, Shuffle, Rock with ½ Turn Right, Shuffle
1-2Step forward on R, slide left behind R
3&4Step R forward, step L beside R, step R beside L
5-6Step L forward, rocking on L with a ½ turn right, recover on R
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward
(Restart here on walls 2 and 6, facing 9:00)
Section 4: Monterey Turn ¼ Right, Jazz Box
1-2Point R side right, turn ¼ right on ball of L, step down on R
3-4Point L side left, step L beside R
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step R to side, step L together
TAG: 4 counts on wall 9 (6:00) after 32 counts –
1-2-3-4Bump right, left, right, left, then restart
Contact: donchm100@gmail.com
INTRO: 16 counts from the start of the music (109 bpm) (3:24 min)
Section 1: Rhumba Box
1-2Step side right, step left next to right
3&4Shuffle forward R-L-R
5-6Step side left, step right next to left
7&8Shuffle back L-R-L
Section 2: Cross Rock Chasse R, Cross Rock ¼ turn left Chasse
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L
3&4Step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R
7&8¼ turn left, step L to L side, shuffle R-L
(Restart here on walls 4 and 8, facing 12:00)
Section 3: Lock Step, Shuffle, Rock with ½ Turn Right, Shuffle
1-2Step forward on R, slide left behind R
3&4Step R forward, step L beside R, step R beside L
5-6Step L forward, rocking on L with a ½ turn right, recover on R
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward
(Restart here on walls 2 and 6, facing 9:00)
Section 4: Monterey Turn ¼ Right, Jazz Box
1-2Point R side right, turn ¼ right on ball of L, step down on R
3-4Point L side left, step L beside R
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step R to side, step L together
TAG: 4 counts on wall 9 (6:00) after 32 counts –
1-2-3-4Bump right, left, right, left, then restart
Contact: donchm100@gmail.com