Starts at Lyrics
*4 Restarts on walls: 2 (after 16 counts), 5 (after 8 counts), 9 (after 8 counts), 10 (after 20 counts)
(1-8) Right Grapevine Heel Jack, ¾ Turn Right, Triple Forward
1, 2Step R to R (1), cross L behind R (2)
&3Step R to R and slightly back (&), touch L heel fwd and slightly L (3)
&4Step L together (&), cross R over L (4)
5, 6Step back on L turning ¼ R (5) [3:00], step fwd on R turning ½ R (6) [9:00]
7&8Step L fwd (7), step R to L (7), step L fwd (8)
(9-16) Rock Behind Side Cross, Grind ¼ L, Coaster
1, 2Rock R to R (1), recover weight to L (2)
3&4Cross R behind L (3), step L to L (&), cross R in front of L (4)
5, 6Dig L heel into floor as toe turns in then out (5), recover weight on R turning ¼ L (6) [6:00]
7&8Step L back (7), step R together (&), step L fwd (8)
(17-24) Wizard x2, Rock, Triple ½ R
1, 2&Step R diagonally fwd (1), lock L behind R (2), step R diagonally fwd (&)
3, 4&Step L diagonally fwd (3), lock R behind L (4), step L diagonally fwd (&)
5, 6Rock R fwd (5), recover weight to L (6)
7&8Turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (7) [12:00], step L together (&), step R forward (8)
(25-32) Triple ½ R, Rock, Toe Strut x2
1&2Turn ½ R stepping back on L (1) [6:00], step R together (&), step L back (2)
3,4Rock R back (3), recover weight to L (4)
5, 6Touch ball of R foot fwd (5), drop R heel (6)
7 ,8Touch ball of L foot fwd (7), drop L heel (8)
Dance is 2 walls until the second restart. Dance is only begun to walls 3:00 and 6:00 between restarts 2 and 3.
Last Update: 18 Jan 2024