CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Already Gone

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Easy Beginner
Doug Mazzola (USA) - August 2022
Already Gone - Eagles
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Intro: 16 counts (from heavy beat & guitar) No tags or restarts

(1) Weight begins on left foot. Step Lock Step Brush X2
1,2Step forward diagonal right on right foot, lock left foot behind
3,4Step forward diagonal on right foot again, scuff left foot forward
5,6Step forward diagonal left on left foot, lock right behind
7,8Step forward diagonal on left foot again, scuff right foot forward

(2) Cross-rock, recover, side-rock, recover X 2 (hold on count 8)
1,2Cross right foot in front of left (weight onto right), recover weight onto left foot
3,4Rock right foot side right (weight onto right foot), recover weight onto left foot
5,6Repeat counts 1, 2 (in this section)
7,8Step right foot side right, hold (weight ends on right)

(3) Cross-rock, recover, side-rock, recover X 2 (hold on 8)
1-8Repeat section 2, using opposite foot (cross left over right), side-rock to left

(4) Forward, Hold, Step ¼ turn left, hold X 2 (total of ½ turn to left, to 6 o’clock)
1,2,3,4Step forward on right foot, hold, step ¼ turn left onto left foot, hold (9 o’clock)
5,6,7,8Repeat 1,2,3,4 of this section (to 6 o’clock)

(5) Step forward diagonal, touch (right, then left); step back diagonal, touch (right then left)
1,2Step right foot forward diagonal right, touch left toe alongside right foot
3,4Step left foot forward diagonal left, touch right toe alongside left foot
5,6Step right foot back diagonal right, touch left toe alongside right foot
7,8Step left foot back diagonal left, touch right toe alongside left foot (weight on left)

(6) Side, behind, ¼ turn right, scuff, forward, ½ turn right, forward, hold
1,2,Step right foot side right, cross left foot behind right foot,
3,4Step ¼ turn right onto right foot, scuff left foot forward (9 o’clock)
5,6Step forward on left foot, step ½ turn to right onto right foot (3 o’clock)
7,8Step forward on left, hold on count 8

(7) Rocking chair, step half, step half (2 left turns)
1,2Rock forward onto right foot, recover weight onto left,
3,4Rock back onto right foot, recover weight onto left foot
5,6Step right foot forward, step ½ turn onto left foot (9 o’clock)
7,8Repeat steps 5, 6, weight ending on left facing 3 o’clock

(8) Stomp with toe fans, right foot, then left
1,2,3,4Stomp right foot slightly forward (toe & knee turned slightly in) (1), toe fans right (2), left (3), right (4)
5,6,7,8Repeat (above) with left foot (5), toe fans left (6, right (7), left (8) (weight ending on left foot) END OF DANCE.

1 评论

Prof August 31, 2022
It’s a good dance and, of course, the music is fab. However, my beginners would not cope with a 64 count dance, think it would be best not described as ‘easy beginner’.

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