[1-8] Switches point - Rock fwd - Coaster step - Step 1/2 turn (R)
1&2&Step right to right side - Step right next to left - Point left to left - left next to right
3-4Step right forward with support - Return left support
5&6Step right back - Step left next to right - Step right forward
7-8Step forward - 1/2 turn right
[9-16] Switches point - Rock fwd - Coaster step - Step 1/2 turn (L)
1&2&Point left to left side - Step left next to right - Point right to right - right next to left
3-4Step left with support - Return right support
5&6Step back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
7-8Step forward - 1/2 turn left
[17-24] Vaudeville - Rock fwd - Coaster step - Kick ball change
1&2&Cross right over left - Step left to back - Right heel forward - Step right next to left
3-4Step left with support - Return right support
5&6Step back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
7&8Kickball Change
[25-32] Step fwd 1/2 turn (L) -Vaudeville - Rock fwd – Coaster steps
1-2Step forward - 1/2 turn left
3&4&Cross right over left - step left back - right heel forward - Step right next to left
5-6Step left forward with support - Return left support
7&8Step left back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
Restart: On the 3rd wall after the 2nd section (12h)
Contact: sandra.moschel@orange.fr
1&2&Step right to right side - Step right next to left - Point left to left - left next to right
3-4Step right forward with support - Return left support
5&6Step right back - Step left next to right - Step right forward
7-8Step forward - 1/2 turn right
[9-16] Switches point - Rock fwd - Coaster step - Step 1/2 turn (L)
1&2&Point left to left side - Step left next to right - Point right to right - right next to left
3-4Step left with support - Return right support
5&6Step back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
7-8Step forward - 1/2 turn left
[17-24] Vaudeville - Rock fwd - Coaster step - Kick ball change
1&2&Cross right over left - Step left to back - Right heel forward - Step right next to left
3-4Step left with support - Return right support
5&6Step back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
7&8Kickball Change
[25-32] Step fwd 1/2 turn (L) -Vaudeville - Rock fwd – Coaster steps
1-2Step forward - 1/2 turn left
3&4&Cross right over left - step left back - right heel forward - Step right next to left
5-6Step left forward with support - Return left support
7&8Step left back - Step right next to left - Step left forward
Restart: On the 3rd wall after the 2nd section (12h)
Contact: sandra.moschel@orange.fr