Easy Intermediate
Restarts: Wall 5●, 7●●, 12●, 14 ●● (see below)
[1 – 8] Box Step: R Side Tog, R Shuffle Bck, L Side Tog, L Shuffle Fwd
1-2 3&4R Side, Step L Beside R, R Shuffle Bck RLR
5-6 7&8L Side, Step R Beside L, L Shuffle Fwd LRL ●●
[9 – 16] R Side Tog, 1/4R Side Shuffle Fwd, L Step Pivot 1/2R, R Shuffle Fwd
9-10 11&12R Side, Step L Beside R, 1/4R Shuffle Fwd RLR (3:00)
13-15&16L Step Fwd, Pivot 1/2R, ● L Shuffle Fwd LRL (9:00)
[17 – 24] R Side, Behind – ball-Cross Side, L Cross Rock, 1/4L Shuffle Fwd
17-18&9-20R Side, Step L Behind R, (&)R Side, L Cross, R Side,
21-23&24L Cross Rock Recover, 1/4L Shuffle Fwd LRL (6:00)
[25 – 32] R Step Pivot 1/2R, R Step Pivot 1/4R, R Kick Fwd, R Step Bck, L Coaster Step
25 - 28Step R Fwd, Pivot 1/2L, Step R Fwd, Pivot 1/4L (9:00)
29 - 31&32Kick R Fwd, Step R Bck, L Coaster Step
Wall 5: Dance to Ct 14 ● 1/4R – Stepping L Side, Tch R Beside (12:00) Restart Dance
Wall 7: Dance to Ct 8 ●● Restart Dance (9:00)
Wall 12: Dance to Ct 14 ● 1/4R – Stepping L Side, Tch R Beside (9:00) Restart Dance
Wall 14: Dance to Ct 8 ●● Restart Dance (6:00)
Wall 15: Dance 24 Cts (now facing 12:00)
R Step Pivot 1/2L, R Step Pivot 1/2L,
R Rock Fwd Recover, R Coaster Step. L Step Fwd HOLD
I dedicate this dance to all the very special people in my line dance family.
Thank you for all your love and support.
Please enjoy the love I feel when you dance and sing along with me.
[1 – 8] Box Step: R Side Tog, R Shuffle Bck, L Side Tog, L Shuffle Fwd
1-2 3&4R Side, Step L Beside R, R Shuffle Bck RLR
5-6 7&8L Side, Step R Beside L, L Shuffle Fwd LRL ●●
[9 – 16] R Side Tog, 1/4R Side Shuffle Fwd, L Step Pivot 1/2R, R Shuffle Fwd
9-10 11&12R Side, Step L Beside R, 1/4R Shuffle Fwd RLR (3:00)
13-15&16L Step Fwd, Pivot 1/2R, ● L Shuffle Fwd LRL (9:00)
[17 – 24] R Side, Behind – ball-Cross Side, L Cross Rock, 1/4L Shuffle Fwd
17-18&9-20R Side, Step L Behind R, (&)R Side, L Cross, R Side,
21-23&24L Cross Rock Recover, 1/4L Shuffle Fwd LRL (6:00)
[25 – 32] R Step Pivot 1/2R, R Step Pivot 1/4R, R Kick Fwd, R Step Bck, L Coaster Step
25 - 28Step R Fwd, Pivot 1/2L, Step R Fwd, Pivot 1/4L (9:00)
29 - 31&32Kick R Fwd, Step R Bck, L Coaster Step
Wall 5: Dance to Ct 14 ● 1/4R – Stepping L Side, Tch R Beside (12:00) Restart Dance
Wall 7: Dance to Ct 8 ●● Restart Dance (9:00)
Wall 12: Dance to Ct 14 ● 1/4R – Stepping L Side, Tch R Beside (9:00) Restart Dance
Wall 14: Dance to Ct 8 ●● Restart Dance (6:00)
Wall 15: Dance 24 Cts (now facing 12:00)
R Step Pivot 1/2L, R Step Pivot 1/2L,
R Rock Fwd Recover, R Coaster Step. L Step Fwd HOLD
I dedicate this dance to all the very special people in my line dance family.
Thank you for all your love and support.
Please enjoy the love I feel when you dance and sing along with me.