High Beginner
Intro : 24 counts
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Sec1: Side, Behind, Side, Touch, Hip Bumping with Arm action
1 - 4Angle your body left diag.(10:30) 1)Step RF side, 2)Step LF behind, 3)Step RF side, 4)Touch LF on place(pose L knee pop)
5 - 8(5-8)Hip bumping R x4 moving both arms vertically from right to left in a circle
Sec2 Side, Cross, Side, Touch, Side Point R-L-R, Hold with Arm action
1 - 41)Step LF side, 2)RF Cross over LF, 3)Step LF side, 4)Touch RF next to LF(12:00)
5&5)Point RF side with stretching R hand up, &)Step RF together with R hand down
6&6)Point LF side with stretching L hand up, &)Step LF together with L hand down
7&87)Point RF side with stretching R hand up, &)down R hand shoulder-high, 8)Stretch R hand to left side
Sec3: Cross Point R-L with Arm action, Pivot ½ L, Walk, Walk
1&21)RF Cross over LF with stretching L hand up, &) down L hand shoulder-high, 2)Point LF side with stretching L hand to right side
3&43)LF Cross over RF with stretching R hand up, &) down R hand shoulder-high, 4) Point RF side with stretching R hand to left side
5 - 85)Step RF fwd, 6)Turn ½ L weight on LF, 7)Step RF fwd, 8)Step LF fwd(6:00)
Sec4: Hip Roll & bump L-R, Paddle turn 1/8 L x2
1 - 21)Step RF side with hip roll from L to R, 2)Bump L Hip up
3 - 43)Hip roll from R to L weighting on LF, 4)Bump R Hip up
5 - 65)Step RF fwd with hip roll turning 1/8 L, 6)Recover on LF
7 - 87)Step RF fwd with hip roll turning 1/8 L, 8)Recover on LF(3:00)
Option: When you bump L hip, point right index finger to L diag. And bump R hip, point left index finger to R diag.
Begin the dance again!
Hope you enjoy Disco!
Contact: banjack02@gmail.com
Last Update: 11 Jul 2022
No Tags or Restarts!
Sec1: Side, Behind, Side, Touch, Hip Bumping with Arm action
1 - 4Angle your body left diag.(10:30) 1)Step RF side, 2)Step LF behind, 3)Step RF side, 4)Touch LF on place(pose L knee pop)
5 - 8(5-8)Hip bumping R x4 moving both arms vertically from right to left in a circle
Sec2 Side, Cross, Side, Touch, Side Point R-L-R, Hold with Arm action
1 - 41)Step LF side, 2)RF Cross over LF, 3)Step LF side, 4)Touch RF next to LF(12:00)
5&5)Point RF side with stretching R hand up, &)Step RF together with R hand down
6&6)Point LF side with stretching L hand up, &)Step LF together with L hand down
7&87)Point RF side with stretching R hand up, &)down R hand shoulder-high, 8)Stretch R hand to left side
Sec3: Cross Point R-L with Arm action, Pivot ½ L, Walk, Walk
1&21)RF Cross over LF with stretching L hand up, &) down L hand shoulder-high, 2)Point LF side with stretching L hand to right side
3&43)LF Cross over RF with stretching R hand up, &) down R hand shoulder-high, 4) Point RF side with stretching R hand to left side
5 - 85)Step RF fwd, 6)Turn ½ L weight on LF, 7)Step RF fwd, 8)Step LF fwd(6:00)
Sec4: Hip Roll & bump L-R, Paddle turn 1/8 L x2
1 - 21)Step RF side with hip roll from L to R, 2)Bump L Hip up
3 - 43)Hip roll from R to L weighting on LF, 4)Bump R Hip up
5 - 65)Step RF fwd with hip roll turning 1/8 L, 6)Recover on LF
7 - 87)Step RF fwd with hip roll turning 1/8 L, 8)Recover on LF(3:00)
Option: When you bump L hip, point right index finger to L diag. And bump R hip, point left index finger to R diag.
Begin the dance again!
Hope you enjoy Disco!
Contact: banjack02@gmail.com
Last Update: 11 Jul 2022