Beginner waltz
Intro: 12 Counts - 4 Walls (or 2 Walls)
S1. Cross point, L/R Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. Point R to R side, Step R fwd. Point L to L side
1-6Step L back, Point R to R side, Step R back, Point L to L side
S2. Basic Waltz Step Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. Step on R/L, Step R back, Step L/R
S3. Basic Waltz Turn Fwd.
1-6Step L fwd. Step R fwd. turning ½ to L, Step on L, Step back on R turning ½ L, Step L/R
Repeat all 3 with a ¼ turn L on last three steps of Basic Waltz Turn to make it a 4 wall dance.
You can make it a 2 Wall dance by leaving out the last ¼ turn.
Please do not alter routine without my permission. thank you, Georgie mygeo@adamswells.com
S1. Cross point, L/R Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. Point R to R side, Step R fwd. Point L to L side
1-6Step L back, Point R to R side, Step R back, Point L to L side
S2. Basic Waltz Step Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. Step on R/L, Step R back, Step L/R
S3. Basic Waltz Turn Fwd.
1-6Step L fwd. Step R fwd. turning ½ to L, Step on L, Step back on R turning ½ L, Step L/R
Repeat all 3 with a ¼ turn L on last three steps of Basic Waltz Turn to make it a 4 wall dance.
You can make it a 2 Wall dance by leaving out the last ¼ turn.
Please do not alter routine without my permission. thank you, Georgie mygeo@adamswells.com