LINDY’S 2X (to Right, to Left)
1&2, 3,4Shuffle R,L,R to right side, Rock back on L behind R, recover on R
5&6, 7,8Shuffle L,R,L to left side, Rock back on R behind L, recover on L
SWEEPS (4X counting 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8) moving backwards
1,2Sweep Rt foot (out and around to back)
3,4Sweep Lt foot (out and around to back)
5,6Sweep Rt foot (out and around to back)
7,8Sweep Lt foot (out and around to back)
TOE STRUTS (8X counting &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8) moving forward
&1,&2,&3, &4R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel, R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel (small steps fwd)
&5,&6,&7,&8R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel, R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel (small steps fwd)
NIGHTCLUB BASICS (2X To Rt, To Lt) SWAYS (4X to R, to L, to R, to L (turn ¼ Rt)
1,2,&Step Rt foot to R side, Step Lt foot behind R, Cross Rt foot over Lt
3,4,&Step Lt foot to L side, Step Rt foot behind L, Cross Lt foot over Rt
5,6,7,8Sway to Rt, Sway to Lt, Sway Rt (making ¼ Rt turn), Sway to Lt
Email: sandrakelly9@hotmail.com
1&2, 3,4Shuffle R,L,R to right side, Rock back on L behind R, recover on R
5&6, 7,8Shuffle L,R,L to left side, Rock back on R behind L, recover on L
SWEEPS (4X counting 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8) moving backwards
1,2Sweep Rt foot (out and around to back)
3,4Sweep Lt foot (out and around to back)
5,6Sweep Rt foot (out and around to back)
7,8Sweep Lt foot (out and around to back)
TOE STRUTS (8X counting &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8) moving forward
&1,&2,&3, &4R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel, R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel (small steps fwd)
&5,&6,&7,&8R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel, R Toe-Heel, L Toe-Heel (small steps fwd)
NIGHTCLUB BASICS (2X To Rt, To Lt) SWAYS (4X to R, to L, to R, to L (turn ¼ Rt)
1,2,&Step Rt foot to R side, Step Lt foot behind R, Cross Rt foot over Lt
3,4,&Step Lt foot to L side, Step Rt foot behind L, Cross Lt foot over Rt
5,6,7,8Sway to Rt, Sway to Lt, Sway Rt (making ¼ Rt turn), Sway to Lt
Email: sandrakelly9@hotmail.com