Intro: 16 counts - Note: 1 Tag, 2 Restarts, Special Ending * (see below)
S1 R Chasse, L Cross Mambo-Sweep R Behind-Side-Cross Shuffle, L Coaster
1&2Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
3&4Cross L over R, recover onto R, step back on L sweeping R back
5&6&7Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
8&Step back L, step R beside L
S2 L Cross Shuffle, ½ R R-Cross Shuffle, ¼ R L-Coaster Step, R Kick-Step, L Kick-Step
1&2Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
3&4½ R crossing R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L (6:00)
5&6¼ R stepping back L, step R beside L, step forward L (9:00)
&7&8Kick forward R, step R forward, kick forward L, step L forward
S3 R Forward Rock, R Side Rock, R Behind-Side-Cross, L Side touch, R Side touch, L Chasse ¼ L
1&2&Press R forward, recover onto L, press R to R side, recover onto L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5&6&Step L to L side, touch R beside L, step R to R side, touch L beside R
7&8Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (6:00)
S4 R Mambo Forward, Back L, Back R, L Back Mambo, ¼ L Paddle Turn X 2
1&2Rock forward R, recover onto L, step back R
34Step back L, step back R Styling option: slap hands on thighs (2) slide hands up the body (3.4)
5&6Rock back L, recover onto R, step L forward
7&8&Touch R forward, ¼ L recovering onto L, touch R forward, ¼ L recovering onto L (12:00)
*Restart here during Wall 3 (12:00) & Wall 5 (6:00)
S5 R Dorothy, ¼ L L-Dorothy, R Dorothy, ¼ L L-Dorothy
12&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward R
3 4&¼ L stepping L forward, lock R behind L, step forward L (9:00)
5 6&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward L
7 8&¼ L stepping L forward, lock R behind L, step forward L (6:00)
S6 R Step Forward. Chase ½ R, Chase ¼ L, Chug ¼ R (X 3)
1 2&3Step forward R, step forward L, pivot ½ R stepping R beside L, step forward L (12:00)
4&5Step forward R, pivot ¼ L stepping L beside R, step forward R (9:00)
678Chug ¼ R on L, chug ¼ R on L, chug ¼ R stepping L next to R ending weight on L (6:00)
*Tag: At the end of Wall 2 (12:00)
1&2&Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
3&4&Repeat 1&2&
*Ending: At the end of Wall 6 (12:00), dance S5 & S6 which will bring you to (6:00), ½ R to face 12:00.
Intro: 16 counts - Note: 1 Tag, 2 Restarts, Special Ending * (see below)
S1 R Chasse, L Cross Mambo-Sweep R Behind-Side-Cross Shuffle, L Coaster
1&2Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
3&4Cross L over R, recover onto R, step back on L sweeping R back
5&6&7Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
8&Step back L, step R beside L
S2 L Cross Shuffle, ½ R R-Cross Shuffle, ¼ R L-Coaster Step, R Kick-Step, L Kick-Step
1&2Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
3&4½ R crossing R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L (6:00)
5&6¼ R stepping back L, step R beside L, step forward L (9:00)
&7&8Kick forward R, step R forward, kick forward L, step L forward
S3 R Forward Rock, R Side Rock, R Behind-Side-Cross, L Side touch, R Side touch, L Chasse ¼ L
1&2&Press R forward, recover onto L, press R to R side, recover onto L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5&6&Step L to L side, touch R beside L, step R to R side, touch L beside R
7&8Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (6:00)
S4 R Mambo Forward, Back L, Back R, L Back Mambo, ¼ L Paddle Turn X 2
1&2Rock forward R, recover onto L, step back R
34Step back L, step back R Styling option: slap hands on thighs (2) slide hands up the body (3.4)
5&6Rock back L, recover onto R, step L forward
7&8&Touch R forward, ¼ L recovering onto L, touch R forward, ¼ L recovering onto L (12:00)
*Restart here during Wall 3 (12:00) & Wall 5 (6:00)
S5 R Dorothy, ¼ L L-Dorothy, R Dorothy, ¼ L L-Dorothy
12&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward R
3 4&¼ L stepping L forward, lock R behind L, step forward L (9:00)
5 6&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward L
7 8&¼ L stepping L forward, lock R behind L, step forward L (6:00)
S6 R Step Forward. Chase ½ R, Chase ¼ L, Chug ¼ R (X 3)
1 2&3Step forward R, step forward L, pivot ½ R stepping R beside L, step forward L (12:00)
4&5Step forward R, pivot ¼ L stepping L beside R, step forward R (9:00)
678Chug ¼ R on L, chug ¼ R on L, chug ¼ R stepping L next to R ending weight on L (6:00)
*Tag: At the end of Wall 2 (12:00)
1&2&Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
3&4&Repeat 1&2&
*Ending: At the end of Wall 6 (12:00), dance S5 & S6 which will bring you to (6:00), ½ R to face 12:00.