Phrased Improver / Intermediate
Start: After 16 counts intro
Dance: A-B-B(32)restart wall 3-B-A-B(32)restart wall 6-A-B
PART A: 16c
Night club basic R-L, step R ¼ turn right, ¾ pivot turn right, sway L-R
1Rf step right
2Lf close
&Rf step in front of Lf
3Lf step left
4Rf close
&Lf step in front of Rf
5Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 3:00)
6Lf step forward, ½ turn right (face 9:00)
&Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 12:00)
7sway to left
8sway to right
Night club basic L-R, step L ¼ turn left, ¾ pivot turn left, sway R-L
9Lf step left
10Rf close
&Lf step in front of Rf
11Rf step left
12Lf close
&Rf step in front of Lf
13Lf ¼ turn left, step forward (face 3:00)
14Rf step forward, ½ turn left (face 9:00)
&Lf ¼ turn left, step forward (face 12:00)
15sway to right
16sway to left
PART B: 64c
Step and point behind R-L, turning vine with side shuffle right
1Rf step right
2Lf point right behind
3Lf step left
4Rf point right behind
5Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 3:00)
6Lf ½ turn right, step back (face 9:00)
7Rf ¼ turn right, step right (face 12:00)
&Lf close
8Rf step right
Jazz box L ¼ turn left, jazz box L
9Lf step over Rf
10Rf ¼ turn left, step back (face 9:00)
11Lf step left
12Rf step forward
13Lf step over Rf
14Rf step back
15Lf step left
16Rf step forward
Step touch forward L-R, step touch back L-R
17Lf step diagonally forward left
18Rf touch next Lf
19Rf step diagonally forward right
20Lf touch next to Rf
21Lf step diagonally back left
22Rf touch next Lf
23Rf step diagonally back right
24Lf touch next to Rf
Step L, sweep R, lock step forward R, rock ¼ turn left, side shuffle left
25Lf step forward
26Rf sweep back to front
27Rf step forward
&Lf step behind Rf
28Rf step forward
29Lf step forward
30Rf weight back, ¼ turn left (face 6:00)
31Lf step left
&Rf close
32Lf step left
Here’s your restart, in 3th and 6th wall
R cross over and point L, L cross behind and point R, sailor step R-L
33Rf cross over Lf
34Lf point left
35Lf step behind Rf
36Rf point right
37Rf step behind Lf
&Lf step left
38Rf step right
39Lf step behind Rf
&Rf step right
40Lf step left
R point forward and right, sailor step R ¼ turn right, rocking chair L
41Rf point forward
42Rf point right
43Rf step behind Lf
&Lf ¼ turn right, step next to Rf (face 9:00)
44Rf step forward
45Lf step forward
46Rf weight on right
47Lf step back
48Rf weight on right
L shuffle ½ turn right, rock back and side R, cross shuffle L
49Lf ¼ turn right, step left (face 12:00)
&Rf close, ¼ turn right (face 3:00)
50Lf step back
51Rf step back
52Lf weight on left
53Rf step right
54Lf weight on left
55Rf step over Lf
&Lf step left
56Rf step over Lf
Side rock L, cross shuffle R, step R, cross point L, step L, point back R
57Lf step left
58Rf weight
59Lf step over Rf
&Rf step right
60Lf step over Rf
61Rf step right
62Lf point right over Rf
63Lf step left
64Rf point left behind Lf
Enjoy my fabulous dance.
More info studiot2ld@gmail.com
Dance: A-B-B(32)restart wall 3-B-A-B(32)restart wall 6-A-B
PART A: 16c
Night club basic R-L, step R ¼ turn right, ¾ pivot turn right, sway L-R
1Rf step right
2Lf close
&Rf step in front of Lf
3Lf step left
4Rf close
&Lf step in front of Rf
5Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 3:00)
6Lf step forward, ½ turn right (face 9:00)
&Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 12:00)
7sway to left
8sway to right
Night club basic L-R, step L ¼ turn left, ¾ pivot turn left, sway R-L
9Lf step left
10Rf close
&Lf step in front of Rf
11Rf step left
12Lf close
&Rf step in front of Lf
13Lf ¼ turn left, step forward (face 3:00)
14Rf step forward, ½ turn left (face 9:00)
&Lf ¼ turn left, step forward (face 12:00)
15sway to right
16sway to left
PART B: 64c
Step and point behind R-L, turning vine with side shuffle right
1Rf step right
2Lf point right behind
3Lf step left
4Rf point right behind
5Rf ¼ turn right, step forward (face 3:00)
6Lf ½ turn right, step back (face 9:00)
7Rf ¼ turn right, step right (face 12:00)
&Lf close
8Rf step right
Jazz box L ¼ turn left, jazz box L
9Lf step over Rf
10Rf ¼ turn left, step back (face 9:00)
11Lf step left
12Rf step forward
13Lf step over Rf
14Rf step back
15Lf step left
16Rf step forward
Step touch forward L-R, step touch back L-R
17Lf step diagonally forward left
18Rf touch next Lf
19Rf step diagonally forward right
20Lf touch next to Rf
21Lf step diagonally back left
22Rf touch next Lf
23Rf step diagonally back right
24Lf touch next to Rf
Step L, sweep R, lock step forward R, rock ¼ turn left, side shuffle left
25Lf step forward
26Rf sweep back to front
27Rf step forward
&Lf step behind Rf
28Rf step forward
29Lf step forward
30Rf weight back, ¼ turn left (face 6:00)
31Lf step left
&Rf close
32Lf step left
Here’s your restart, in 3th and 6th wall
R cross over and point L, L cross behind and point R, sailor step R-L
33Rf cross over Lf
34Lf point left
35Lf step behind Rf
36Rf point right
37Rf step behind Lf
&Lf step left
38Rf step right
39Lf step behind Rf
&Rf step right
40Lf step left
R point forward and right, sailor step R ¼ turn right, rocking chair L
41Rf point forward
42Rf point right
43Rf step behind Lf
&Lf ¼ turn right, step next to Rf (face 9:00)
44Rf step forward
45Lf step forward
46Rf weight on right
47Lf step back
48Rf weight on right
L shuffle ½ turn right, rock back and side R, cross shuffle L
49Lf ¼ turn right, step left (face 12:00)
&Rf close, ¼ turn right (face 3:00)
50Lf step back
51Rf step back
52Lf weight on left
53Rf step right
54Lf weight on left
55Rf step over Lf
&Lf step left
56Rf step over Lf
Side rock L, cross shuffle R, step R, cross point L, step L, point back R
57Lf step left
58Rf weight
59Lf step over Rf
&Rf step right
60Lf step over Rf
61Rf step right
62Lf point right over Rf
63Lf step left
64Rf point left behind Lf
Enjoy my fabulous dance.
More info studiot2ld@gmail.com