Start : On FUN
One Tag - Four Restarts
Can do a Split Floor with Waste of Lime Ez
Walk, Walk, Forward Coaster, Side Rock Recover, Back Coaster
1-2 3&4Walk Fwd RL & Fwd Coaster - ( step fwd R step together L - step back R)
5-6 7&8Step L to L side, Recover R, Back Coaster ( step back L step R together step Fwd L)
Step Side Together, Shuffle Fwd, Step Side Together, Shuffle Fwd
1-2 3&4Step R to side, step L together, Shuffle Fwd RLR
5-6 7&8Step L to side, step R together, Shuffle Fwd LRL
Step Back Lock, Syncopated Lock , Step Back Lock, Syncopated Lock
1-2 3&4Step R back, Cross L over R, Step back R Cross L over R , Step back R
5-6 7&8Step L back , Cross R over L, Step back L Cross as R over L, Step back L ( keep weight On Left )
Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Weave 1/2 Turn R, Step Back R Rock Fwd L
1-2-3-4.Rock back R, Rock Fwd L, Step R to R side, Step L behind R
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, Step L in Front of R turning 1/2 R , Step back R (6.00) step Fwd L
TAG: (First time facing 6.00 wall, dance the first 16 counts)
*Step back R, Cross L over R, Step Back R, Turning a Full Turn Left, Step L-R-L-R-L Facing back at 6.00 Wall.. Ingrid sings..”I turned around and you were gone”! (*RESTART )
4th Wall Facing 6.00 : Dance the first 8 Counts
5th Wall - Still Facing 6.00 Wall : Dance the first 24 Counts, ( after Lock steps )
8th Wall Facing 6.00 : Dance the first 24 Counts, ( after Lock steps )
To Finish the dance after First 8 Counts - Turn to the Front.
The Music Will Take You There !
Contact: cosmicountry@gmail.com. Phone: 0410614445
Facebook: Cosmic Country Line Dancing
Insta: cosmic_country_line_dancing
YouTube: Cosmic Country Line Dancing by Zara
One Tag - Four Restarts
Can do a Split Floor with Waste of Lime Ez
Walk, Walk, Forward Coaster, Side Rock Recover, Back Coaster
1-2 3&4Walk Fwd RL & Fwd Coaster - ( step fwd R step together L - step back R)
5-6 7&8Step L to L side, Recover R, Back Coaster ( step back L step R together step Fwd L)
Step Side Together, Shuffle Fwd, Step Side Together, Shuffle Fwd
1-2 3&4Step R to side, step L together, Shuffle Fwd RLR
5-6 7&8Step L to side, step R together, Shuffle Fwd LRL
Step Back Lock, Syncopated Lock , Step Back Lock, Syncopated Lock
1-2 3&4Step R back, Cross L over R, Step back R Cross L over R , Step back R
5-6 7&8Step L back , Cross R over L, Step back L Cross as R over L, Step back L ( keep weight On Left )
Rock Back, Rock Fwd, Weave 1/2 Turn R, Step Back R Rock Fwd L
1-2-3-4.Rock back R, Rock Fwd L, Step R to R side, Step L behind R
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, Step L in Front of R turning 1/2 R , Step back R (6.00) step Fwd L
TAG: (First time facing 6.00 wall, dance the first 16 counts)
*Step back R, Cross L over R, Step Back R, Turning a Full Turn Left, Step L-R-L-R-L Facing back at 6.00 Wall.. Ingrid sings..”I turned around and you were gone”! (*RESTART )
4th Wall Facing 6.00 : Dance the first 8 Counts
5th Wall - Still Facing 6.00 Wall : Dance the first 24 Counts, ( after Lock steps )
8th Wall Facing 6.00 : Dance the first 24 Counts, ( after Lock steps )
To Finish the dance after First 8 Counts - Turn to the Front.
The Music Will Take You There !
Contact: cosmicountry@gmail.com. Phone: 0410614445
Facebook: Cosmic Country Line Dancing
Insta: cosmic_country_line_dancing
YouTube: Cosmic Country Line Dancing by Zara