Intro: 16 Beats in
[1-8] Kick ball changes, rock, recover, behind side cross
1&2Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left forward
3&4Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left forward
5,6Rock side right, recover weight to the left
7&8Right Behind left, left side, right in front of left (RLR)
[9-16] Kick ball changes, rock, recover, behind side cross
1&2Kick left forward, step left next to right, step right forward,
3&4Kick left forward, step left next to right, step right forward,
5,6Rock left side, recover weight to left
7&8Left behind Right, Right side, Left over Right
[17-24] Heel Grinds and coaster steps
1,2Right heel forward, toe pointed in, turn outward
3&4Step back right, step back left, step forward, right (RLR)
5,6Left heel forward, toe pointed in, turn outward
7&8Step back left, step back right, step forward right (RLR)
[25-32] Kick ball touches, ¼ turn, stomp, stomp
1&2Kick right forward, step right next to left, touch right next to left
3&4Kick left forward, step left next to right, touch left next to right
5,6Step forward right, ¼ Pivot turn Left
7,8Stomp right, stomp left
[33-40] Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffles
1,2Rock right to the side, recover weight left
3&4Cross right over left, step left next to right, cross left over right
5,6Rock left to the side, recover weight right,
7&8Cross left over right, step right next to left, cross left over right
[41-48 ] ½ turn right Montereys
1-2Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right stepping right next to left
3&4Touch left toe to left side, step lift next to right
5-6Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right stepping right next to left
7&8Touch left toe to left side, step lift next to right
Last Update: 24 May 2022
[1-8] Kick ball changes, rock, recover, behind side cross
1&2Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left forward
3&4Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left forward
5,6Rock side right, recover weight to the left
7&8Right Behind left, left side, right in front of left (RLR)
[9-16] Kick ball changes, rock, recover, behind side cross
1&2Kick left forward, step left next to right, step right forward,
3&4Kick left forward, step left next to right, step right forward,
5,6Rock left side, recover weight to left
7&8Left behind Right, Right side, Left over Right
[17-24] Heel Grinds and coaster steps
1,2Right heel forward, toe pointed in, turn outward
3&4Step back right, step back left, step forward, right (RLR)
5,6Left heel forward, toe pointed in, turn outward
7&8Step back left, step back right, step forward right (RLR)
[25-32] Kick ball touches, ¼ turn, stomp, stomp
1&2Kick right forward, step right next to left, touch right next to left
3&4Kick left forward, step left next to right, touch left next to right
5,6Step forward right, ¼ Pivot turn Left
7,8Stomp right, stomp left
[33-40] Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffles
1,2Rock right to the side, recover weight left
3&4Cross right over left, step left next to right, cross left over right
5,6Rock left to the side, recover weight right,
7&8Cross left over right, step right next to left, cross left over right
[41-48 ] ½ turn right Montereys
1-2Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right stepping right next to left
3&4Touch left toe to left side, step lift next to right
5-6Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right stepping right next to left
7&8Touch left toe to left side, step lift next to right
Last Update: 24 May 2022