Intro : 16 counts from the heavy beat
Back touch Forward Touch x 2
1 - 4Step R back touch L next to R, step L fwd touch R next to L
5 - 8Step R Back touch L next to R, step L fwd touch R next to L
Walk Forward x 3, Kick L forward, Walk back x 3 touch R next to L
1 - 4Walk fwd R, L, R, kick L fwd
5 - 8Walk back L, R, L, touch R next to L
Vine R To Right With Hitch, Vine L to Left With Hitch
1 - 4Step R to side cross L behind step R to side Hitch L Knee Up
5 - 8Step L to side cross R behind step R to side Hitch R Knee Up
Walk In Half Circle To The Back, Step RL Toe Split (Happy Feet)
1 - 4Walk R, L, R, L in half circle to the Back
5, 6Step R fwd step L together
7, 8Split both toes out and up with weight on both heels and both hands up, then back to centre
Ending : Last wall starts at the front, keeps dancing, till the last section walks to the
back and another 4 walks to the front and post!
This dance is for our basic beginner class. Have fun!
Contact : williewkyeung@yahoo.com.au
Back touch Forward Touch x 2
1 - 4Step R back touch L next to R, step L fwd touch R next to L
5 - 8Step R Back touch L next to R, step L fwd touch R next to L
Walk Forward x 3, Kick L forward, Walk back x 3 touch R next to L
1 - 4Walk fwd R, L, R, kick L fwd
5 - 8Walk back L, R, L, touch R next to L
Vine R To Right With Hitch, Vine L to Left With Hitch
1 - 4Step R to side cross L behind step R to side Hitch L Knee Up
5 - 8Step L to side cross R behind step R to side Hitch R Knee Up
Walk In Half Circle To The Back, Step RL Toe Split (Happy Feet)
1 - 4Walk R, L, R, L in half circle to the Back
5, 6Step R fwd step L together
7, 8Split both toes out and up with weight on both heels and both hands up, then back to centre
Ending : Last wall starts at the front, keeps dancing, till the last section walks to the
back and another 4 walks to the front and post!
This dance is for our basic beginner class. Have fun!
Contact : williewkyeung@yahoo.com.au