Intro: 16
Double Cross Point Fwd. R/L
1-8Step Fwd. on R. Point L to L side, back to center, out to L side, Step fwd. on L, point R to R side, back to center, out to R side
Cross Point R/L, Jazz Box ¼ to the R
1-8Step R fwd. Touch L to L side, Step L fwd. point R to R side, Step R over L, step back on L turning ¼ R, step on R, step on L
Vine to R, Basic, Vine to L, Basic
1-8Step to R, L behind R, step R, Touch L to R Step L to L side, touch R to L, step R to R side, touch L to R
1-8Step to L, R behind L, step L, Touch R to L, Step R to R side, touch L to R, step L to L side, Touch R to L
That’s it! No Tags! Just a beautiful song with a neat routine. Very easy for new beginners to line dancing. Enjoy! mygeo@adamswells.com
Double Cross Point Fwd. R/L
1-8Step Fwd. on R. Point L to L side, back to center, out to L side, Step fwd. on L, point R to R side, back to center, out to R side
Cross Point R/L, Jazz Box ¼ to the R
1-8Step R fwd. Touch L to L side, Step L fwd. point R to R side, Step R over L, step back on L turning ¼ R, step on R, step on L
Vine to R, Basic, Vine to L, Basic
1-8Step to R, L behind R, step R, Touch L to R Step L to L side, touch R to L, step R to R side, touch L to R
1-8Step to L, R behind L, step L, Touch R to L, Step R to R side, touch L to R, step L to L side, Touch R to L
That’s it! No Tags! Just a beautiful song with a neat routine. Very easy for new beginners to line dancing. Enjoy! mygeo@adamswells.com