Restart: On Wall 7 After counts 16
Sec1. Hitch, Cross, Side, Behind Touch, Vine Turn 1/4 R, Fwd
1234hitch step R, cross R over L, step L side, touch R behind L
5678step R side, step L behind R, 1/4 turn to right step R fwd, step L fwd (3:00)
Sec2. Charleston step x2
1234touch R fwd, step R on back, touch L on back, step L fwd
5678 1234repeat
**here in restart
Sec3. Monterey 1/2 turn, Heel-Together* R, L
1234point R to side, 1/2 turn to right stepping R beside L, point L to side, step L beside R
5678heel touch R diagonal fwd, step R center, heel touch L diagonal fwd, step L center
Sec4. Jazz box, Heel Swivel
1234cross R over L, step L on back, step R to side, step L fwd
5678both heel left out, center, out, center (weight L)
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net
Sec1. Hitch, Cross, Side, Behind Touch, Vine Turn 1/4 R, Fwd
1234hitch step R, cross R over L, step L side, touch R behind L
5678step R side, step L behind R, 1/4 turn to right step R fwd, step L fwd (3:00)
Sec2. Charleston step x2
1234touch R fwd, step R on back, touch L on back, step L fwd
5678 1234repeat
**here in restart
Sec3. Monterey 1/2 turn, Heel-Together* R, L
1234point R to side, 1/2 turn to right stepping R beside L, point L to side, step L beside R
5678heel touch R diagonal fwd, step R center, heel touch L diagonal fwd, step L center
Sec4. Jazz box, Heel Swivel
1234cross R over L, step L on back, step R to side, step L fwd
5678both heel left out, center, out, center (weight L)
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net