Step/Rock Forward, Recover, R Coaster Step, Step 1/2 turn pivot, 1/2 Turning Shuffle
1-2Step and rock forward on R foot, recover weight back onto L
3&4Step back on R foot, step L foot next to R, step forward on R foot
5-6Step forward on L foot, pivot 1/2 turn R as you transfer weight to R foot
7&8Step forward on L foot as you turn ¼ right, step R foot next to L, turn ¼ right, step back on L
Step Back, Kick, L Coaster Step, 1/4 R Monterey
9-10Step back on R foot, kick L foot forward
11&12Step back on L foot, step R next to L, step forward on L
13-14Point R foot to R side, turn 1/4 R stepping R foot next to L, (transfer weight to R)
15-16Point L foot to L side, step L foor next to R (transfer weight to L foot)
Cross, Back, Side Chassé, Cross, Back, Side Chassé
17-18Cross R foot over L, step back on L foot
19&20Step R foot to R side, step L foot next to R, step R foot to R side
21-22Cross L foot over R, step back on R foot
23&24Step L foot to L side, step R foot next to L, step L foot to L side
Sailor Step with 1/4 Turn R, L Shuffle Forward, Side, Touch, L Coaster Step
25&26Step R foot behind L, step L to L side, turn 1/4 right stepping forward on R foot
27&28Step forward on L foot, step R foot next to L, step forward on L foot
29-30Step R foot to R side, touch L foot next to R
31&32Step back on L foot, step R foot next to L, step forward on L foot
E-mail: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com
1-2Step and rock forward on R foot, recover weight back onto L
3&4Step back on R foot, step L foot next to R, step forward on R foot
5-6Step forward on L foot, pivot 1/2 turn R as you transfer weight to R foot
7&8Step forward on L foot as you turn ¼ right, step R foot next to L, turn ¼ right, step back on L
Step Back, Kick, L Coaster Step, 1/4 R Monterey
9-10Step back on R foot, kick L foot forward
11&12Step back on L foot, step R next to L, step forward on L
13-14Point R foot to R side, turn 1/4 R stepping R foot next to L, (transfer weight to R)
15-16Point L foot to L side, step L foor next to R (transfer weight to L foot)
Cross, Back, Side Chassé, Cross, Back, Side Chassé
17-18Cross R foot over L, step back on L foot
19&20Step R foot to R side, step L foot next to R, step R foot to R side
21-22Cross L foot over R, step back on R foot
23&24Step L foot to L side, step R foot next to L, step L foot to L side
Sailor Step with 1/4 Turn R, L Shuffle Forward, Side, Touch, L Coaster Step
25&26Step R foot behind L, step L to L side, turn 1/4 right stepping forward on R foot
27&28Step forward on L foot, step R foot next to L, step forward on L foot
29-30Step R foot to R side, touch L foot next to R
31&32Step back on L foot, step R foot next to L, step forward on L foot
E-mail: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com