High Beginner
#48 Count Introduction (start dance at vocals) – Turning Counter Clockwise
Section 1: Charleston, Kick Ball Change, Pivot ½ Turn (12 O’clock)
1,2,3,4R foot fwd, R foot behind (weight on R), L foot behind, L foot fwd (Charleston step)
5 & 6R foot kick ball change
7,8R foot fwd pivot ½ turn (transfer weight to L) w hip dip when turning. (Now facing 6 O’clock)
Section 2: Walk, walk, Kick Ball Change, Side Taps, ¼ Turn (6 O’clock)
1,2,3 & 4R foot walk fwd, L foot walk fwd, R foot kick ball change
5,6,7,8R foot side-tap x2, R foot back, ¼ turn CCW with L foot to side (resting on heel slightly fwd) (Now facing 9 O’clock)
Section 3: Cross, side, heel rest, hips to side, step tap (9 O’clock)
1 & 2(weight is on the L) R foot cross over left, L foot to side, R heel fwd on diagonal
3 & 4hips bump L, R, L with slight dip
5,6,7,8Step Right tap R foot to Left, Step Left tap L foot to Right
Section 4: Side slide step, heel lifts w arms, 2 x ½ turn side steps (9 O’clock)
1,2,3,4Wide step with R foot to the side, drag L foot in. Lift heels and hands slight turn 1/8th twist heels left, hands right. Slight turn 1/8th twist heels right, hands left.
5,6,7 & 8Side step right, ½ turn side step left, ½ turn side step right, left foot steps in to meet right. Weight is on the left, ready to start the dance again. You will start again on the 9 O’clock wall.
Restart: 1st 9 O’clock position. Short wall (first 16 counts) then restart with Charleston Step
Tags: Located at the 1st 3 O’clock position & 2nd 12 O’clock position. 16 counts.
Arms above head circling and hips rolling with body stepping as you turn 360’ over right shoulder finish with 2 x right heel taps fwd on the diagonal. Change direction with arms above head circling and hips rolling with body stepping as you turn 360’ over left shoulder with 2 x L heel taps fwd on the diagonal
Heather Jayne Endall Email hjendall@challen.com.au
Section 1: Charleston, Kick Ball Change, Pivot ½ Turn (12 O’clock)
1,2,3,4R foot fwd, R foot behind (weight on R), L foot behind, L foot fwd (Charleston step)
5 & 6R foot kick ball change
7,8R foot fwd pivot ½ turn (transfer weight to L) w hip dip when turning. (Now facing 6 O’clock)
Section 2: Walk, walk, Kick Ball Change, Side Taps, ¼ Turn (6 O’clock)
1,2,3 & 4R foot walk fwd, L foot walk fwd, R foot kick ball change
5,6,7,8R foot side-tap x2, R foot back, ¼ turn CCW with L foot to side (resting on heel slightly fwd) (Now facing 9 O’clock)
Section 3: Cross, side, heel rest, hips to side, step tap (9 O’clock)
1 & 2(weight is on the L) R foot cross over left, L foot to side, R heel fwd on diagonal
3 & 4hips bump L, R, L with slight dip
5,6,7,8Step Right tap R foot to Left, Step Left tap L foot to Right
Section 4: Side slide step, heel lifts w arms, 2 x ½ turn side steps (9 O’clock)
1,2,3,4Wide step with R foot to the side, drag L foot in. Lift heels and hands slight turn 1/8th twist heels left, hands right. Slight turn 1/8th twist heels right, hands left.
5,6,7 & 8Side step right, ½ turn side step left, ½ turn side step right, left foot steps in to meet right. Weight is on the left, ready to start the dance again. You will start again on the 9 O’clock wall.
Restart: 1st 9 O’clock position. Short wall (first 16 counts) then restart with Charleston Step
Tags: Located at the 1st 3 O’clock position & 2nd 12 O’clock position. 16 counts.
Arms above head circling and hips rolling with body stepping as you turn 360’ over right shoulder finish with 2 x right heel taps fwd on the diagonal. Change direction with arms above head circling and hips rolling with body stepping as you turn 360’ over left shoulder with 2 x L heel taps fwd on the diagonal
Heather Jayne Endall Email hjendall@challen.com.au