CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fly Me Out

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Pat Stott (UK) - March 2022
(Written on a flight to Tenerife!)
**2 Easy tags

Side, rock, cross shuffle, side, rock, cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4Cross right over left, small step to left on ball of left, cross right over left
5 – 6Rock left to left, recover on right
7&8Cross left over right, small step to right on ball of right, cross left over right

Side, hold, close, side, touch, ¼, ½, ½ shuffle
1,2&3,4Step right to right, hold, close left to right, right to right, touch left slightly out to left (prepare body for a left turn by turning body slightly right)
5 - 6Turn ¼ left and step forward on left, turn ½ left stepping back on right
7&8turning shuffle ½ left stepping left, right, left

Rock forward, recover, heel jack, hold, close, rocking chair
1 – 2Rock forward on right, recover onto left
&3,4step back on right (&), extend left heel forward(3), hold (4)
& 5,6,7,8Close left to right, rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right, recover on left
(Styling on heel Jack - look to right then square up again for rocking chair)

Lindy chasse right, ¼ turn right and lindy chasse left, rock back, recover, kick, ball, cross
1 & 2on balls of feet small chasse to right – right to right, close left to right, right to right
3 & 4Turn ¼ right and on balls of feet small chasse to left – left to left, close right to left, left to left
5 – 6Rock back on right, recover on left
7 & 8kick right to right diagonal, step on ball of right, cross left over right
(Lindy styling are small bouncy chasses)

Side, together, shuffle forward, side, together, shuffle back
1 – 2Big step to right, close left to right
3 & 4Forward on right, close left to right, forward on right
5 – 6Big step to left, close right to left
7 & 8Back on left, close right to left, back on left

Rock back, recover, shuffle ½ turn left, rock back, recover, shuffle ½ turn right
1 – 2Rock back on right, recover on left
3 & 4Gradually turning ½ left – right, left, right
5 – 6Rock back on left, recover on right
7 & 8Gradually turning ½ right – left, right, left

Back, back, coaster step, ½ turn right, ½ turn right, step ¼ pivot right
1 – 2Back on right turning left toe to left, back on left turning right toe to right
3 & 4Back on right, close left to right, forward on right (prepare to turn by turning right toe out slightly to right)
5 – 6Turn ½ right stepping back on left, turn ½ right stepping forward on right
7 – 8Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right transferring weight to right
(You can replace the turns on steps 5-6 with 2 walks)

Jazz box, point left toe to left, switch, right toe to right, switch, left heel forward, switch, tap right next to left
1 – 4Cross left over right, back on right, left to left, close right to left
5 &Point left toe to left, close left to right
6 &Point right toe to right, close right to left
7 & 8Left heel forward, close left to right, tap right next left

Tags end of wall 2 and wall 5
1 – 8dance section one (side rocks and cross shuffles) then restart

Ending: Facing 6 o’clock at the end of section 8 replace step 8 with a touch back and quickly unwind ½ right to face 12 o’clock

2 评论

SooJay April 5, 2022
Great dance Pat, my groups really like it

Totty April 9, 2022
Thank you so much SooJay, say hi to your groups from me 🤗

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