Easy Intermediate
No Tag, no Restart; Start on the vocals
SEC 1 Forward, hold, forward, close; back, hold, back, close
1234Step L forward, hold, step R forward, step L next to R
5678Step R back, hold, step L back, step R next to L (12)
SEC 2 Forward Rumba box, ¼ L back Rumba box
1234Step L forward, hold, step R to R, step L next to R
5678Step R back, hold, ¼ L step L to L side, step R next to L (9)
SEC 3 Forward, sweep, cross, back; sway R, hold, sway L, R
1234Step L forward, lift R while sweeping R from back to front, step R cross over L, step L back
5678Sway to R when step R to R, hold, sway to L, sway to R (9)
SEC 4 Forward, hold, ½ L; forward, hold ½ R, ½ R
1234Step L forward, hold, ½ L step R back, ½ L step L forward
5678Step R forward, hold, ½ R step L back, ½ R step R forward (9)
SEC 5 Side, hold, back, recover L; ¼ L side, hold, back, recover
1234Step L to L, hold, step R back, recover weight on L
5678¼ L step R to R, hold, step L back, recover weight on R (6)
SEC 6 L Scissors, L Cross Shuffle; R Scissors, R Cross Shuffle
12&Big step L to L, drag R to close besides L
3&4Step L cross over R, step R to R, step L cross over R
56&Big step R to R, drag L to close besides R
7&8Step R cross over L, step L to L, step R cross over L (6)
SEC 7 L Rolling Vine; R Rolling Vine
1234¼ L step L forward, hold, ½ L step R back, ¼ L step L to L
5678¼ R step R forward, hold, ½ R step L back, ¼ step R to R (6)
SEC 8 Cross, side, behind, flick; cross, side, behind, touch
1234Step L cross over R, step R to R, Step L behind R, Flick R outward back
5678Cross R over R, step L to L, Step R behind L, touch L to L (6)
For clarification, please contact chchew1109@gmail.com
SEC 1 Forward, hold, forward, close; back, hold, back, close
1234Step L forward, hold, step R forward, step L next to R
5678Step R back, hold, step L back, step R next to L (12)
SEC 2 Forward Rumba box, ¼ L back Rumba box
1234Step L forward, hold, step R to R, step L next to R
5678Step R back, hold, ¼ L step L to L side, step R next to L (9)
SEC 3 Forward, sweep, cross, back; sway R, hold, sway L, R
1234Step L forward, lift R while sweeping R from back to front, step R cross over L, step L back
5678Sway to R when step R to R, hold, sway to L, sway to R (9)
SEC 4 Forward, hold, ½ L; forward, hold ½ R, ½ R
1234Step L forward, hold, ½ L step R back, ½ L step L forward
5678Step R forward, hold, ½ R step L back, ½ R step R forward (9)
SEC 5 Side, hold, back, recover L; ¼ L side, hold, back, recover
1234Step L to L, hold, step R back, recover weight on L
5678¼ L step R to R, hold, step L back, recover weight on R (6)
SEC 6 L Scissors, L Cross Shuffle; R Scissors, R Cross Shuffle
12&Big step L to L, drag R to close besides L
3&4Step L cross over R, step R to R, step L cross over R
56&Big step R to R, drag L to close besides R
7&8Step R cross over L, step L to L, step R cross over L (6)
SEC 7 L Rolling Vine; R Rolling Vine
1234¼ L step L forward, hold, ½ L step R back, ¼ L step L to L
5678¼ R step R forward, hold, ½ R step L back, ¼ step R to R (6)
SEC 8 Cross, side, behind, flick; cross, side, behind, touch
1234Step L cross over R, step R to R, Step L behind R, Flick R outward back
5678Cross R over R, step L to L, Step R behind L, touch L to L (6)
For clarification, please contact chchew1109@gmail.com