#2 versions:
Tony Bennett's slow version has no tags or restarts, and is ideal for teaching the dance to beginners.
The fast and fun modified version from "Jungle Book" has 2 tags,
repeat counts 5-8 of S4 on wall 6 and 11.
Intro: Start on “Bare Necessities”.
S1: Box;;
1-4R side, L close to R, R forward, hold;
5-8L side, R close to L, L backward, hold;
S2: Backward toe strut 2x; Coasterstep;
1-2Touch R toe backward, drop R heel (change weight to R)
3-4Touch L toe backward, drop L heel (change weight to L)
5-8Back R, close L, forward R, hold;
S3: Vine 3, ¼ L brush; Rocking chair;
1-4Side L, cross R in back, side L, turn ¼ L - brush;
5-8Rock R forward, Recover on L, Rock R back, Recover on L;
S4: Side, touch 2x; forward, cross touch, back, touch;
1-4Side R, touch L together, Side L, touch R together;
5-8Step R forward, cross touch L behind R, step L back, touch R together;
For the fast version you can use the music from the demo: https://youtu.be/qBXUBiGJ8Pw
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing !
Tony Bennett's slow version has no tags or restarts, and is ideal for teaching the dance to beginners.
The fast and fun modified version from "Jungle Book" has 2 tags,
repeat counts 5-8 of S4 on wall 6 and 11.
Intro: Start on “Bare Necessities”.
S1: Box;;
1-4R side, L close to R, R forward, hold;
5-8L side, R close to L, L backward, hold;
S2: Backward toe strut 2x; Coasterstep;
1-2Touch R toe backward, drop R heel (change weight to R)
3-4Touch L toe backward, drop L heel (change weight to L)
5-8Back R, close L, forward R, hold;
S3: Vine 3, ¼ L brush; Rocking chair;
1-4Side L, cross R in back, side L, turn ¼ L - brush;
5-8Rock R forward, Recover on L, Rock R back, Recover on L;
S4: Side, touch 2x; forward, cross touch, back, touch;
1-4Side R, touch L together, Side L, touch R together;
5-8Step R forward, cross touch L behind R, step L back, touch R together;
For the fast version you can use the music from the demo: https://youtu.be/qBXUBiGJ8Pw
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing !