Intro - 36 counts after heavy beat.
Restart: On Wall 10, after the Kick Ball Step, in section 3 (facing 3 O’clock).
**Dedicated to my lovely husband Mikael Erlandsson “ LD Crazy Mike”
Section 1: Walk. Walk. Forward Lock Step. Step. Knee Pop ½ Pivot right. Back Rock.
1-2Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
3&4Step forward on right. Lock left behind right. Step forward on right.
5-6Step forward on left. Pop both knees turning ½ over right shoulder. (Weight on left)
7-8Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 2: Cross. Point. Cross. Point. Sailor Step. Touch. Unwind ½ left
1-2Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
3-4Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
5&6Cross right behind left. Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
7-8Touch left toes back. Unwind ½ over your left shoulder.
Section 3: Step. Turn ½ left. Kick Ball Step. Walk. Step. ¼ Turn right. Cross.
1-2Step forward on right. Turn ½ left.
3&4Kick right foot forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
Restart here: Wall 10 facing 3 O’clock
5Walk forward on right.
6-8Step forward on left. Turn ¼ right. Cross left over right.
Section 4: ¼ Turn left. ¼ Turn left. Forward Lock Step. Full Turn. Step. ½ Pivot. Hold.
1-2Turn ¼ left stepping back on right. Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side.
3&4Step forward on right. Lock left behind right. Step forward on right.
5-6Make a full turn forward over your right shoulder, stepping left, right.
7-8Step forward on left. Turn ½ Right leaving weight on left foot. Hold.
Note: The music slows down or changes rhythm during Wall 9.
It may feel like you are out of rhythm for a short while but just keep on dancing at the same speed and you’ll be back in rhythm before the wall is done.
Last Update - 13 Mar 2022
Restart: On Wall 10, after the Kick Ball Step, in section 3 (facing 3 O’clock).
**Dedicated to my lovely husband Mikael Erlandsson “ LD Crazy Mike”
Section 1: Walk. Walk. Forward Lock Step. Step. Knee Pop ½ Pivot right. Back Rock.
1-2Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
3&4Step forward on right. Lock left behind right. Step forward on right.
5-6Step forward on left. Pop both knees turning ½ over right shoulder. (Weight on left)
7-8Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 2: Cross. Point. Cross. Point. Sailor Step. Touch. Unwind ½ left
1-2Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
3-4Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
5&6Cross right behind left. Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
7-8Touch left toes back. Unwind ½ over your left shoulder.
Section 3: Step. Turn ½ left. Kick Ball Step. Walk. Step. ¼ Turn right. Cross.
1-2Step forward on right. Turn ½ left.
3&4Kick right foot forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
Restart here: Wall 10 facing 3 O’clock
5Walk forward on right.
6-8Step forward on left. Turn ¼ right. Cross left over right.
Section 4: ¼ Turn left. ¼ Turn left. Forward Lock Step. Full Turn. Step. ½ Pivot. Hold.
1-2Turn ¼ left stepping back on right. Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side.
3&4Step forward on right. Lock left behind right. Step forward on right.
5-6Make a full turn forward over your right shoulder, stepping left, right.
7-8Step forward on left. Turn ½ Right leaving weight on left foot. Hold.
Note: The music slows down or changes rhythm during Wall 9.
It may feel like you are out of rhythm for a short while but just keep on dancing at the same speed and you’ll be back in rhythm before the wall is done.
Last Update - 13 Mar 2022