Intro : 16 counts
[1-8] Rock step, shuffle ¾ turn, 2X Vaudeville
1-2R foot forward, weight back on L foot
3&4½ turn right, right foot forward, assemble left foot, ¼ turn right, right foot forward
5&6&L foot crossed in front of right foot, right foot next to left foot, left heel diagonally on left, assemble left foot next to right foot
7&8Right foot crossed in front of left foot, left foot next to right foot, right heel diagonally right, assemble right foot next to left foot
[9-16] Rhumba box, ¼ turn, 2X mambo cross
1&2RF to R side, step LF together, RF behind
3&4LF to L side, step right together, step left forward
5&6¼ turn left, step right to right, step back on left, cross right over left
7&8Left to left, step back on right, cross left over right
[17-24] Swivel, kick, point, sailor step ¼ turn, point, hitch, step
1&2Touch right toe forward, turn heels to right, come back to center (weight on left)
3&4Kick right forward, join right together, point left to left side
5&6¼ turn left, cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7&8Step right to right side, hitch right knee, drop right to right side
[25-32] Syncopated vine ¼ turn, ¼ turn, shuffle fwd, step ½ turn, hook, touch, heel
1&2Step left behind right, ¼ turn right, step right forward, step left forward
3&4¼ turn right, step right forward, step left together, step right forward
5-6Step forward, ½ turn right, hook right
&7&8Step forward, touch left next to right, step left back, right heel forward
*1st restart: 3rd wall, do the first 16 counts and start again
*2nd restart: 7th wall, do the first 16 counts and start again
Finale: on the 9th wall, do the first 28 counts and add:
5-6Step forward, ½ turn right
7-8LF forward, ¼ turn R
[1-8] Rock step, shuffle ¾ turn, 2X Vaudeville
1-2R foot forward, weight back on L foot
3&4½ turn right, right foot forward, assemble left foot, ¼ turn right, right foot forward
5&6&L foot crossed in front of right foot, right foot next to left foot, left heel diagonally on left, assemble left foot next to right foot
7&8Right foot crossed in front of left foot, left foot next to right foot, right heel diagonally right, assemble right foot next to left foot
[9-16] Rhumba box, ¼ turn, 2X mambo cross
1&2RF to R side, step LF together, RF behind
3&4LF to L side, step right together, step left forward
5&6¼ turn left, step right to right, step back on left, cross right over left
7&8Left to left, step back on right, cross left over right
[17-24] Swivel, kick, point, sailor step ¼ turn, point, hitch, step
1&2Touch right toe forward, turn heels to right, come back to center (weight on left)
3&4Kick right forward, join right together, point left to left side
5&6¼ turn left, cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7&8Step right to right side, hitch right knee, drop right to right side
[25-32] Syncopated vine ¼ turn, ¼ turn, shuffle fwd, step ½ turn, hook, touch, heel
1&2Step left behind right, ¼ turn right, step right forward, step left forward
3&4¼ turn right, step right forward, step left together, step right forward
5-6Step forward, ½ turn right, hook right
&7&8Step forward, touch left next to right, step left back, right heel forward
*1st restart: 3rd wall, do the first 16 counts and start again
*2nd restart: 7th wall, do the first 16 counts and start again
Finale: on the 9th wall, do the first 28 counts and add:
5-6Step forward, ½ turn right
7-8LF forward, ¼ turn R