CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Midnight Rider's Prayer

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Sandra Moschel (FR) - 23 January 2022
Midnight Rider's Prayer - Brothers Osborne
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[1-8] Side point (R) - Cross - Side point (L) - Back - Kick fwd - Side kick - Rock back
1-2Point right to the right - Cross right over left
3-4Point left to the left - Step left back
5-6Kick right forward - Kick right right
7-8Step right back with support - Return left support
[9-16] Step fwd - Locked - Shuffle (locked) fwd - Rocking chair
1-2Step right forward - Step left behind right
3&4Step right forward - Step left behind right - Step right forward
5-6Step left with support - Return right support
7-8Step left back with support - Return right support
[17-24] Side point (L) - Cross - Side point (R) - Back - Kick fwd - Side kick - Rock back
1-2Point left to the left - Cross left in front of right
3-4Step right to the right - Step right back
5-6Kick left forward - Kick left left
7-8Step left back with support - Return right support
[25-32] Step fwd - Locked - Shuffle (locked) fwd - Rocking chair
1-2Step left forward - Step right behind left
3&4Step left forward - Step right behind left - Step left forward
5-6Step right forward with support - Return left support
7-8Step right back with support - Return left support
[33-40] Rolling vine (R) - Touch - Vine 1/4 turn (L) - Shuffle fwd
1-21/4 turn right - 1/2 turn right
3-41/4 turn right - Touch left next to right
5-6Step left to left side - Step right behind left
7&81/4 turn left - Step left forward - Step right next to left - LF forward
[41-48] Rocking chair - Rolling vine (R) - Touch
1-2Step right forward with support - Return left support
3-4Step right back with support - Return support left
5-61/4 turn right - 1/2 turn right
7-81/4 turn right - Touch left next to right
[49-56] Vine 1/4 turn (L) - Shuffle fwd - Step fwd (R) - Scuff (L) Step fwd (L) - Scuff (R)
1-2Step left to left side - Step right behind left
3&41/4 turn left - Step left forward - Step right next to left LF forward
5-6Step right forward - Rub left heel on the ground
7-8Step forward - Rub heel right on ground
[57-60] Rocking chair
1-2Step right forward with support - Return left support
3-4Step right back with support - Return support left
Tag: On the 2nd wall after the 4 accounts of the 2nd section
[1-4] Step - Locked - Shuffle (locked)
1-2Step left forward - Step right behind left
3&4Step left forward - Step right behind left - Step left forward
Restart: After the Tag At the 5th wall (last wall) - Remove the Rocking-chair from the 4th section and continue dancing with section 5.
Final: Stomp right forward
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