Weight on L Starts after 32 counts on lyrics
# 1 tag at the end of wall 2 & 6 - both facing 6.00 Add 2 counts - up on toes (1) then drop on heels (2)
## 1 restart on wall 4, 8 - both facing 12.00 and 9 facing 9.00 - dance the first 8 counts then restart
Ending - dance to count 7 facing 12.00
Brush Up R and L ##
1 2 3 4Step R heel forward on R diagonal, Hook R heel across L knee, Step R heel to R diagonal, Step R beside L
5 6 7 8Step L heel forward to L diagonal, Hook L heel across R knee, Step L heel to L diagonal, Step L beside R
Vine R, Vine L
1 2 34Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
5 6 7 8Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R beside L
Side R, Touch, Side L, Touch, 1/4 L Stepping R to R side. Touch L beside R, Side L Touch, Side R, Touch
1 2 3 4Step R to R side, Touch L beside R, Step L to L side, Touch R beside L
5 6 7 8Turn 1/4 L stepping R to R side, Touch R beside L, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R (6.00)
V step x 2 (move these step to L side as you go)#
1 2 3 4Step R forward to R diagonal, Step L forward to L diagonal, Step R back toc entre, Step L beside R (V step)
5 6 7 8Step R forward to R diagonal, Step L forward to L diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R (V step)#
Liz Gardiner - Southern Cross Line Dancers - www.southerncrosslinedance.com
YouTube - Southern Cross Linedancers the.gardiners@inbox.com M 0435 006800
# 1 tag at the end of wall 2 & 6 - both facing 6.00 Add 2 counts - up on toes (1) then drop on heels (2)
## 1 restart on wall 4, 8 - both facing 12.00 and 9 facing 9.00 - dance the first 8 counts then restart
Ending - dance to count 7 facing 12.00
Brush Up R and L ##
1 2 3 4Step R heel forward on R diagonal, Hook R heel across L knee, Step R heel to R diagonal, Step R beside L
5 6 7 8Step L heel forward to L diagonal, Hook L heel across R knee, Step L heel to L diagonal, Step L beside R
Vine R, Vine L
1 2 34Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
5 6 7 8Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R beside L
Side R, Touch, Side L, Touch, 1/4 L Stepping R to R side. Touch L beside R, Side L Touch, Side R, Touch
1 2 3 4Step R to R side, Touch L beside R, Step L to L side, Touch R beside L
5 6 7 8Turn 1/4 L stepping R to R side, Touch R beside L, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R (6.00)
V step x 2 (move these step to L side as you go)#
1 2 3 4Step R forward to R diagonal, Step L forward to L diagonal, Step R back toc entre, Step L beside R (V step)
5 6 7 8Step R forward to R diagonal, Step L forward to L diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R (V step)#
Liz Gardiner - Southern Cross Line Dancers - www.southerncrosslinedance.com
YouTube - Southern Cross Linedancers the.gardiners@inbox.com M 0435 006800