#16 count intro - 2 Restarts
S1: Shuffle, cross rock turn 1/4 L, turn 1/2 L turn 1/2 L, rocking chair
1&2Shuffle right R L R
3&4Cross/rock L over R, recover R, turn 1/4 L step L fwd 9:00
5-6Turn 1/2 left step R back, turn 1/2 left step L fwd
7&8&Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
********** Restart here on Wall 3 and Wall 6
S2: Step turn 1/4 L cross, side together fwd, fwd rock side rock, behind turn 1/4 L step
1&2Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left step L to left side, cross R over L 6:00
3&4Step L to left side, step R beside L, step L fwd
5&6&Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R to right side, recover L
7&8Step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 3:00
S3: Step tap back, coaster step, shuffle, mambo step
1&2Step L fwd, tap R toe behind L, step R back
3&4Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
5&6Shuffle fwd R L R
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L slightly back
S4: Back rock point, sailor turn 1/2 R, fwd point back point, run run run
1&2Rock R back, recover L, point R to right side
3&4Turn 1/2 right step R behind L, step L to left, step R to right 9:00
5&6&Step L fwd, point R fwd diag, step R back diag, point L to left diag
7&8Run run run L R L
S1: Shuffle, cross rock turn 1/4 L, turn 1/2 L turn 1/2 L, rocking chair
1&2Shuffle right R L R
3&4Cross/rock L over R, recover R, turn 1/4 L step L fwd 9:00
5-6Turn 1/2 left step R back, turn 1/2 left step L fwd
7&8&Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
********** Restart here on Wall 3 and Wall 6
S2: Step turn 1/4 L cross, side together fwd, fwd rock side rock, behind turn 1/4 L step
1&2Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left step L to left side, cross R over L 6:00
3&4Step L to left side, step R beside L, step L fwd
5&6&Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R to right side, recover L
7&8Step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 3:00
S3: Step tap back, coaster step, shuffle, mambo step
1&2Step L fwd, tap R toe behind L, step R back
3&4Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
5&6Shuffle fwd R L R
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L slightly back
S4: Back rock point, sailor turn 1/2 R, fwd point back point, run run run
1&2Rock R back, recover L, point R to right side
3&4Turn 1/2 right step R behind L, step L to left, step R to right 9:00
5&6&Step L fwd, point R fwd diag, step R back diag, point L to left diag
7&8Run run run L R L