High Improver
Intro: 24 counts , no tag, no restart
Sec-1 R-weave with ronde & higher R heel , L-weave with kick
1-2-3-4R cross over L 1) L to L-side 2) R behind L 3) L ronde in the air with a little higher the R heel 4)
5-6-7-8L behind R 5) R to R-side 6) L cross over R 7) R kick R diag.8)
Sec-2 R fwd, L lock behind, ½ L unwind, hold, ½ /R unwind with sweep, R behind L , L to L side
1-2-3-4R fwd.(slight over L) 1) L lock behind R 2) 1/2L unwind(wt.on L) 3) hold (look back over shoulder) 4)
5-6-7-81/2/R unwind 1) sweep R round back 2) R behind L 3) L to Lside 4) 12:00
Sec-3 1/4R R jazz box with L brush , L over R , 1/2L hinge turn with R touch
1-2-3-4R cross over L 1) ¼ R L back 2) R to R side 3) L brush fwd 4) 3:00
5-6-7-8L over R 5) 1/4L R back 6) 1/4L L to L side 7) R touch beside L 8) 9:00
Sec-4 R-lunge, hold, 1/4L L fwd, hold, R fwd-diag , hook L behind R, L backward, , touch R beside L
1-2-3-4R lunge to R -diag. 1) hold 2) ¼ L recover L fwd 3) hold 4) 6:00
5-6-7-8fwd R toward R-diag.1) hook L behind R into fig.4 2) backward L 7) touch R beside L 8) 6:00
Ending: after W-12 facing 6:00 than dance 8#
sec-1 :7-8 / L over R 7) 1/2R spiral 8) facing 12:00
updated: Jan.4 / 2022
Sec-1 R-weave with ronde & higher R heel , L-weave with kick
1-2-3-4R cross over L 1) L to L-side 2) R behind L 3) L ronde in the air with a little higher the R heel 4)
5-6-7-8L behind R 5) R to R-side 6) L cross over R 7) R kick R diag.8)
Sec-2 R fwd, L lock behind, ½ L unwind, hold, ½ /R unwind with sweep, R behind L , L to L side
1-2-3-4R fwd.(slight over L) 1) L lock behind R 2) 1/2L unwind(wt.on L) 3) hold (look back over shoulder) 4)
5-6-7-81/2/R unwind 1) sweep R round back 2) R behind L 3) L to Lside 4) 12:00
Sec-3 1/4R R jazz box with L brush , L over R , 1/2L hinge turn with R touch
1-2-3-4R cross over L 1) ¼ R L back 2) R to R side 3) L brush fwd 4) 3:00
5-6-7-8L over R 5) 1/4L R back 6) 1/4L L to L side 7) R touch beside L 8) 9:00
Sec-4 R-lunge, hold, 1/4L L fwd, hold, R fwd-diag , hook L behind R, L backward, , touch R beside L
1-2-3-4R lunge to R -diag. 1) hold 2) ¼ L recover L fwd 3) hold 4) 6:00
5-6-7-8fwd R toward R-diag.1) hook L behind R into fig.4 2) backward L 7) touch R beside L 8) 6:00
Ending: after W-12 facing 6:00 than dance 8#
sec-1 :7-8 / L over R 7) 1/2R spiral 8) facing 12:00
updated: Jan.4 / 2022