Low Intermediate
Intro: 32 Counts (Start on vocals)
Side. Behind. & Touch. Knee Pop. Ball-Cross. Side Step. Right Heel Dig. Hold/Double Clap.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
&3Step Right to Right side. Touch Left toe to Left diagonal.
&4Left both heels up as you pop both knees forward. Drop heels to the floor.
&5Step Left beside Right. Cross step Right over Left.
6 - 7Step Left to Left side. Dig Right heel to Right diagonal.
&8Hold and clap hands twice.
Side. Touch. Side. Touch. Walk Back Right, Left. Side Step. Heel Twist.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side. Touch Left toe to Left diagonal. (Styling: swing hips back and round to R)
3 - 4Step Left to Left side. Touch Right toe to Right diagonal. (Styling: swing hips back and round to L)
5 - 7Walk back Right. Walk back Left. Step Right out to Right side.
&8Twist both heels Right. Twist both heels to center. (Weight on the balls of your feet as you do this.)
**Tag 2 happens here during Wall 3 (6.00)
Back Rock. Right Kick Ball-Point (Dip). Left Drag. Ball-Walk. Walk.
1 - 2Rock back on Right. Recover weight on Left.
3&4Kick Right foot forward. Step Right beside Left. Point Left to Left side and dip down slightly by bending the Right knee.
5 - 6Drag Left foot to meet Right over 2 counts and straighten Right leg as you do this.
&7,8Step Left foot beside Right. Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left.
Forward Rock. Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right. 1/4 Turn Right. Right Sailor Step. Cross Step.
1 - 2Rock Right forward. Recover weight on Left.
3&4Shuffle 1/2 turn Right stepping: Right, Left, Right. 6 o'clock Wall
5Turn 1/4 Right stepping Left to Left side. 9 o'clock Wall
6&7Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Step Right out to Right side.
8Cross step Left over Right.
*Tag 1 happens here at the end of Wall 1 (9.00).
*** Tag 3 happens here at the end of Wall 4 (3.00)
*Tag 1. At the end of Wall 1 (facing 9.00), add on the following 8 Count tag.
Box Turn Left. Right Jazz Box-Cross.
1 - 2Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left forward.
3 - 4Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left to Left side.
5 - 8Cross Right over Left. Step Left back. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right.
**Tag 2. During Wall 3 (facing 6.00), dance 16 Counts and add on the following 4 Count tag before restarting.
Right Jazz Box-Cross.
1 - 4Cross Right over Left. Step Left back. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right.
***Tag 3. At the end of Wall 4 (facing 3.00), add on the following 4 Count tag.
Box Turn Left
1 - 2Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left forward.
3 - 4Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left to Left side.
Ending: Dance the first 4 Counts of Wall 9 (3.00) but turn a 1/4 Left (12.00) as you touch L toe forward and Pop both knees facing the front wall.
Side. Behind. & Touch. Knee Pop. Ball-Cross. Side Step. Right Heel Dig. Hold/Double Clap.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
&3Step Right to Right side. Touch Left toe to Left diagonal.
&4Left both heels up as you pop both knees forward. Drop heels to the floor.
&5Step Left beside Right. Cross step Right over Left.
6 - 7Step Left to Left side. Dig Right heel to Right diagonal.
&8Hold and clap hands twice.
Side. Touch. Side. Touch. Walk Back Right, Left. Side Step. Heel Twist.
1 - 2Step Right to Right side. Touch Left toe to Left diagonal. (Styling: swing hips back and round to R)
3 - 4Step Left to Left side. Touch Right toe to Right diagonal. (Styling: swing hips back and round to L)
5 - 7Walk back Right. Walk back Left. Step Right out to Right side.
&8Twist both heels Right. Twist both heels to center. (Weight on the balls of your feet as you do this.)
**Tag 2 happens here during Wall 3 (6.00)
Back Rock. Right Kick Ball-Point (Dip). Left Drag. Ball-Walk. Walk.
1 - 2Rock back on Right. Recover weight on Left.
3&4Kick Right foot forward. Step Right beside Left. Point Left to Left side and dip down slightly by bending the Right knee.
5 - 6Drag Left foot to meet Right over 2 counts and straighten Right leg as you do this.
&7,8Step Left foot beside Right. Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left.
Forward Rock. Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right. 1/4 Turn Right. Right Sailor Step. Cross Step.
1 - 2Rock Right forward. Recover weight on Left.
3&4Shuffle 1/2 turn Right stepping: Right, Left, Right. 6 o'clock Wall
5Turn 1/4 Right stepping Left to Left side. 9 o'clock Wall
6&7Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Step Right out to Right side.
8Cross step Left over Right.
*Tag 1 happens here at the end of Wall 1 (9.00).
*** Tag 3 happens here at the end of Wall 4 (3.00)
*Tag 1. At the end of Wall 1 (facing 9.00), add on the following 8 Count tag.
Box Turn Left. Right Jazz Box-Cross.
1 - 2Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left forward.
3 - 4Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left to Left side.
5 - 8Cross Right over Left. Step Left back. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right.
**Tag 2. During Wall 3 (facing 6.00), dance 16 Counts and add on the following 4 Count tag before restarting.
Right Jazz Box-Cross.
1 - 4Cross Right over Left. Step Left back. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right.
***Tag 3. At the end of Wall 4 (facing 3.00), add on the following 4 Count tag.
Box Turn Left
1 - 2Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left forward.
3 - 4Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left to Left side.
Ending: Dance the first 4 Counts of Wall 9 (3.00) but turn a 1/4 Left (12.00) as you touch L toe forward and Pop both knees facing the front wall.