DANCE: Counter- Clockwise - INTRO: 16 quick counts, on vocals - No Tags or Restarts
Twist Right, Heels, Toes, Heel, Twist Left, Heels, Toes, Heels Centre
1234Twist heels R, Toes R, heels R, clap
5678Twist heels L, toes L, Heels centre, clap
"V" Step, Tap Right, Stomp*, Tap Left, Stomp
1234Step R to diag (weight on R), step L to diag (weight on L), step R to centre, step L beside R
5678Tap R beside L, stomp R, (weight on R), tap L beside R, stomp L, beside R, (weight on L)
'K' Step
1234Step diag R, touch L behind R, step back diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step diag back R, touch L beside R, step diag L, touch R beside R (weight on L)
Vine Right, Vine Left, 1/4Turn Left
1234Step side R, L behind R, step side R, touch L beside R (weight on R)
5678Step side L, R behind L, step 1/4 turn L on L, tog R, beside L (weight centred)
FINISH: * Dance to count 14, facing 3.00, 0' clock wall
1/4Turn L, stomp L Fwd, hold, facing 12.00
Glenda Silver: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019
Twist Right, Heels, Toes, Heel, Twist Left, Heels, Toes, Heels Centre
1234Twist heels R, Toes R, heels R, clap
5678Twist heels L, toes L, Heels centre, clap
"V" Step, Tap Right, Stomp*, Tap Left, Stomp
1234Step R to diag (weight on R), step L to diag (weight on L), step R to centre, step L beside R
5678Tap R beside L, stomp R, (weight on R), tap L beside R, stomp L, beside R, (weight on L)
'K' Step
1234Step diag R, touch L behind R, step back diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step diag back R, touch L beside R, step diag L, touch R beside R (weight on L)
Vine Right, Vine Left, 1/4Turn Left
1234Step side R, L behind R, step side R, touch L beside R (weight on R)
5678Step side L, R behind L, step 1/4 turn L on L, tog R, beside L (weight centred)
FINISH: * Dance to count 14, facing 3.00, 0' clock wall
1/4Turn L, stomp L Fwd, hold, facing 12.00
Glenda Silver: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019