Beginner Partner
Starting Position: Promenade / Facing LOD / Mirror steps
Intro 16 counts / no tag, no restart
[1-8] Rock Step, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, 1/2 Turn Step Pivot, 1/4 Turn Side Shuffle
1-2M: Rock R forward, return on L
1-2F: Rock L forward, return on R
3&4M: ½ right turn, shuffle forward RLR
(Change hands)
3&4F: ½ left turn shuffle, forward LRL
5-6M: Step L in front, pivot ½ turn right
5-6F: Step R in front, pivot ½ turn left
7&8M: ¼ tr to right, shuffle to the side LRL
(Double-Hand Hold position)
7&8F: ¼ tr to left, shuffle to the side RLR
[9-16] Back Rock, 1/2 Turn Back Shuffle, Back Rock, Shuffle
1-2M: Rock R back, return on L
1-2F: Rock L back, return on R
3&4M: ½ left, shuffle back RLR
(Man lets go of woman's left hand)
3&4F: ½ right, shuffle back LRL
5-6M: Rock L back, return on R
5-6F: Rock R back, return on L
7&8M: Shuffle forward LRL
(Man retakes woman's left hand, drops the other hand
7&8F: Shuffle forward RLR
and raises right arm above head of woman)
[17-24] Side, Slide Together, Side Shuffle, Cross Step, 1/2 Turn Pivot, Crossing Shuffle
1-2M: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
(Take Double-Hand Hold position, back-to-back)
1-2F: Step L to left, slide R to side of L
3&4M: Shuffle to the side RLF
3&4F: Shuffle to the side LRL
5-6M: Cross L in front, pivot ½ turn right
(Release right hand of woman)
5-6F: Cross R in front, pivot ½ turn left
7&8M: Crossing shuffle in front LRL
7&8F: Crossing shuffle in front RLR
[24-32] Step Touch (x2), Half Rumba Box, Pause
1-2M: Step R to right, touch L to side of R
(Take Closed Position)
1-2F: Step L to left, touch R to side of L
3-4M: Step L to left, touch R to side of L
3-4F: Step R to right, touch L to side of R
5-6M: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
5-6F: Step F to left, slide R to side of L
7-8M: Step R behind, pause
(**Note : You can alternate the steps, Rhumba toward woman, if you wish)
7-8F: Step L in front, pause
[33-36] Side, Slide Together, 1/4 Turn Shuffle
1-2M: Step L to left, slide R to side of L
1-2F: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
3&4M: ¼ turn left, shuffle LRF
(Retake Promenade Position)
3&4F: ¼ turn right, shuffle RLR
Intro 16 counts / no tag, no restart
[1-8] Rock Step, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, 1/2 Turn Step Pivot, 1/4 Turn Side Shuffle
1-2M: Rock R forward, return on L
1-2F: Rock L forward, return on R
3&4M: ½ right turn, shuffle forward RLR
(Change hands)
3&4F: ½ left turn shuffle, forward LRL
5-6M: Step L in front, pivot ½ turn right
5-6F: Step R in front, pivot ½ turn left
7&8M: ¼ tr to right, shuffle to the side LRL
(Double-Hand Hold position)
7&8F: ¼ tr to left, shuffle to the side RLR
[9-16] Back Rock, 1/2 Turn Back Shuffle, Back Rock, Shuffle
1-2M: Rock R back, return on L
1-2F: Rock L back, return on R
3&4M: ½ left, shuffle back RLR
(Man lets go of woman's left hand)
3&4F: ½ right, shuffle back LRL
5-6M: Rock L back, return on R
5-6F: Rock R back, return on L
7&8M: Shuffle forward LRL
(Man retakes woman's left hand, drops the other hand
7&8F: Shuffle forward RLR
and raises right arm above head of woman)
[17-24] Side, Slide Together, Side Shuffle, Cross Step, 1/2 Turn Pivot, Crossing Shuffle
1-2M: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
(Take Double-Hand Hold position, back-to-back)
1-2F: Step L to left, slide R to side of L
3&4M: Shuffle to the side RLF
3&4F: Shuffle to the side LRL
5-6M: Cross L in front, pivot ½ turn right
(Release right hand of woman)
5-6F: Cross R in front, pivot ½ turn left
7&8M: Crossing shuffle in front LRL
7&8F: Crossing shuffle in front RLR
[24-32] Step Touch (x2), Half Rumba Box, Pause
1-2M: Step R to right, touch L to side of R
(Take Closed Position)
1-2F: Step L to left, touch R to side of L
3-4M: Step L to left, touch R to side of L
3-4F: Step R to right, touch L to side of R
5-6M: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
5-6F: Step F to left, slide R to side of L
7-8M: Step R behind, pause
(**Note : You can alternate the steps, Rhumba toward woman, if you wish)
7-8F: Step L in front, pause
[33-36] Side, Slide Together, 1/4 Turn Shuffle
1-2M: Step L to left, slide R to side of L
1-2F: Step R to right, slide L to side of R
3&4M: ¼ turn left, shuffle LRF
(Retake Promenade Position)
3&4F: ¼ turn right, shuffle RLR