Intro: Start after 8 counts. Start with weight on L, facing 10:30
Easy restart: On wall 2 (which starts at 4:30), after 32 counts, now facing 10:30
[1 - 8] Full turn samba weave
1&2Step R fwd (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step back on R (2) 1:30
3&4Step back on L (3), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), step L fwd (4) 4:30
5&6Step R fwd (5), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step back on R (6) 7:30
7&8Step back on L (7), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), step L fwd (8) 10:30
[9 - 16] Samba ¼ R, samba ¼ L, full volta turn R
1&2Cross R over L (1), rock L to L side (&), recover on R turning ¼ R (2) 1:30
3&4Cross L over R (3), rock R to R side (&), recover on L turning ¼ L (4) 10:30
5&6&Turn ¼ R crossing R over L (5), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R crossing R over L (6), step L next to R (&) 4:30
7&8Turn ¼ R crossing R over L (7), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (8) 10:30
[17 - 24] L&R rock steps fwd, ¼ R & point L, snap fingers down R, R&L side points
1 - 2Rock L fwd (1), recover back on R (2) 10:30
&3 - 4Step L next to R (&), rock R fwd (3), recover back on L (4) 10:30
&5 - 6Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), point L to L side (5), snap R fingers down to R side (6) 1:30
&7&8Step L next to R (&), point R to R side (7), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (8) 1:30
[25 - 32] ¼ L flick, fwd R, rock L fwd, ball step fwd, heel bounces with ½ L
1 - 2Turn ¼ L onto L flicking R back (1), step R fwd (2) 10:30
3 - 4Rock L fwd (3), recover back on R (4) 10:30
&5Step L next to R (&), step R fwd (5) 10:30
6 - 8Bounce heels 3 times gradually turning ½ L and ending with weight on L (6-8) ...
* Restart - here on wall 2, facing 10:30 4:30
[33 - 40] Step out R&L, R pony back, L coaster step, step 3/8 L
1 - 2Step R out to R side (1), step L out to L side (2) ... Styling: roll knee out with each step 4:30
3&4Step R back hitching L knee (3), step L down (&), step R back hitching L knee (4) 4:30
5&6Step L back (5), step R next to L (&), step L fwd (6) 4:30
7 - 8Step R fwd (7), turn 3/8 L stepping onto L (8) 12:00
[41 - 48] Side R with R hip roll, L hip bump, L hip roll, R hip bump, behind side cross, Hold, ball cross 1/8 L
1 - 2Step R to R side bending in both knees rolling hips from L to R (1), bump L hip up L (2) 12:00
3 - 4Bend in knees rolling hips from R to L stepping onto L (3), bump R hip up R (4) 12:00
5&6Cross R behind L (5), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (6) 12:00
7&8HOLD (7), step L to L side (&), cross R over L turning body 1/8 L (8) 10:30
[49 - 56] Step out L&R, L back lock step, 3/8 R, ¼ R side L, R sailor step
1 - 2Step L out to L side (1), step R out to R side (2) ... Styling: roll knee out with each step 10:30
3&4Step back on L (3), lock R over L (&), step back on L (4) 10:30
5 - 6Turn 3/8 R stepping R fwd (5), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (6) 6:00
7&8Cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (&), step R to R side (8) 6:00
[57 - 64] Ball step LR, L sailor step, behind side 1/8 L, step turn L X 2
&1Step L next to R (&), step R to R side (1) ... Fun styling: stomp R to R side on count 1 6:00
2&3Cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), step L to L side (3) ... 6:00
Fun styling: stomp L to L side on count 3
4&Cross R behind L (4), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (&) 4:30
5 - 8Step R fwd (5), turn ½ L stepping onto L (6), step R fwd (7), turn ½ L onto L (8) 4:30
Start again and... HAVE FUN with this one!
Ending Start wall 6 facing your back wall (4:30). Finish count 32 and pose to your front wall 😊 12:00
Easy restart: On wall 2 (which starts at 4:30), after 32 counts, now facing 10:30
[1 - 8] Full turn samba weave
1&2Step R fwd (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step back on R (2) 1:30
3&4Step back on L (3), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), step L fwd (4) 4:30
5&6Step R fwd (5), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step back on R (6) 7:30
7&8Step back on L (7), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), step L fwd (8) 10:30
[9 - 16] Samba ¼ R, samba ¼ L, full volta turn R
1&2Cross R over L (1), rock L to L side (&), recover on R turning ¼ R (2) 1:30
3&4Cross L over R (3), rock R to R side (&), recover on L turning ¼ L (4) 10:30
5&6&Turn ¼ R crossing R over L (5), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R crossing R over L (6), step L next to R (&) 4:30
7&8Turn ¼ R crossing R over L (7), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (8) 10:30
[17 - 24] L&R rock steps fwd, ¼ R & point L, snap fingers down R, R&L side points
1 - 2Rock L fwd (1), recover back on R (2) 10:30
&3 - 4Step L next to R (&), rock R fwd (3), recover back on L (4) 10:30
&5 - 6Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&), point L to L side (5), snap R fingers down to R side (6) 1:30
&7&8Step L next to R (&), point R to R side (7), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (8) 1:30
[25 - 32] ¼ L flick, fwd R, rock L fwd, ball step fwd, heel bounces with ½ L
1 - 2Turn ¼ L onto L flicking R back (1), step R fwd (2) 10:30
3 - 4Rock L fwd (3), recover back on R (4) 10:30
&5Step L next to R (&), step R fwd (5) 10:30
6 - 8Bounce heels 3 times gradually turning ½ L and ending with weight on L (6-8) ...
* Restart - here on wall 2, facing 10:30 4:30
[33 - 40] Step out R&L, R pony back, L coaster step, step 3/8 L
1 - 2Step R out to R side (1), step L out to L side (2) ... Styling: roll knee out with each step 4:30
3&4Step R back hitching L knee (3), step L down (&), step R back hitching L knee (4) 4:30
5&6Step L back (5), step R next to L (&), step L fwd (6) 4:30
7 - 8Step R fwd (7), turn 3/8 L stepping onto L (8) 12:00
[41 - 48] Side R with R hip roll, L hip bump, L hip roll, R hip bump, behind side cross, Hold, ball cross 1/8 L
1 - 2Step R to R side bending in both knees rolling hips from L to R (1), bump L hip up L (2) 12:00
3 - 4Bend in knees rolling hips from R to L stepping onto L (3), bump R hip up R (4) 12:00
5&6Cross R behind L (5), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (6) 12:00
7&8HOLD (7), step L to L side (&), cross R over L turning body 1/8 L (8) 10:30
[49 - 56] Step out L&R, L back lock step, 3/8 R, ¼ R side L, R sailor step
1 - 2Step L out to L side (1), step R out to R side (2) ... Styling: roll knee out with each step 10:30
3&4Step back on L (3), lock R over L (&), step back on L (4) 10:30
5 - 6Turn 3/8 R stepping R fwd (5), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (6) 6:00
7&8Cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (&), step R to R side (8) 6:00
[57 - 64] Ball step LR, L sailor step, behind side 1/8 L, step turn L X 2
&1Step L next to R (&), step R to R side (1) ... Fun styling: stomp R to R side on count 1 6:00
2&3Cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), step L to L side (3) ... 6:00
Fun styling: stomp L to L side on count 3
4&Cross R behind L (4), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (&) 4:30
5 - 8Step R fwd (5), turn ½ L stepping onto L (6), step R fwd (7), turn ½ L onto L (8) 4:30
Start again and... HAVE FUN with this one!
Ending Start wall 6 facing your back wall (4:30). Finish count 32 and pose to your front wall 😊 12:00