No tag no restart.
Section 1 : Swivel heels - toes - heels - flick
1 2Swivel both heels to right side, swivel both toes to right side
3 4Swivel both heels to right side, flick L back
5 6Swivel both heels to left side, swivel both toes to left side
7 8Swivel both heels to left side, flick R back
Section 2 : Monterey 1/4 right, swivel
1 2Point R to right side, 1/4 turn right step R next to L ( facing 3.00)
3 4Point L to left side, step L together
5 6Swivel both heels to right side, bring heels back to center
7 8Swivel both heels to right side, bring heels back to center
Section 3 : Grapevine, heel fan ( R - L )
1 2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3 4Step R to right side, step L together
5 6Fan R heel to right side, fan R heel back to center
7 8Fan L heel to left side, fan L heel back to center
Section 4 : Forward - touch 4X
1 2Step R forward, touch L next to R
3 41/2 turn left step L forward, touch R next to L ( facing 9.00)
5 6Step R forward, touch L next to R
7 81/2 turn left step L forward, touch R next to L (facing 3.00)
Happy dancing!
Contact : ulielfridaksp@gmail.com
Section 1 : Swivel heels - toes - heels - flick
1 2Swivel both heels to right side, swivel both toes to right side
3 4Swivel both heels to right side, flick L back
5 6Swivel both heels to left side, swivel both toes to left side
7 8Swivel both heels to left side, flick R back
Section 2 : Monterey 1/4 right, swivel
1 2Point R to right side, 1/4 turn right step R next to L ( facing 3.00)
3 4Point L to left side, step L together
5 6Swivel both heels to right side, bring heels back to center
7 8Swivel both heels to right side, bring heels back to center
Section 3 : Grapevine, heel fan ( R - L )
1 2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3 4Step R to right side, step L together
5 6Fan R heel to right side, fan R heel back to center
7 8Fan L heel to left side, fan L heel back to center
Section 4 : Forward - touch 4X
1 2Step R forward, touch L next to R
3 41/2 turn left step L forward, touch R next to L ( facing 9.00)
5 6Step R forward, touch L next to R
7 81/2 turn left step L forward, touch R next to L (facing 3.00)
Happy dancing!
Contact : ulielfridaksp@gmail.com