Start : 32counts - 4 Tags
Sequence : A-A-A-Tag-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-A-A
[1-8] Chassé R, Rock-Step, Chassé L, Rock-Step
1&2RF to the R side, LF next to RF, RF to the R side
3-4LF Back, Recover to RF
5&6LF to the L side, RF next to LF, LF to the L side
7-8RF Back, Recover to LF
[9-16] Monterey-Turn ¼ R, Monterey, Jazz-Box
1-2Point RF to the R side, Make ¼ R with RF next to LF
3-4Point LF to the L side, LF next to RF
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back
7-8RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF ( For the end make Jazz box 1/4R)
[17-24] Monterey-Turn ¼ R, Monterey, Jazz-Box
1-2Point RF to the R side, Make ¼ R with RF next to LF
3-4Point LF to the L side, LF next to RF
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back
7-8RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF
[25-32] Walkx3, Kick, Backx3, Touch
3-4RF FW, Kick LF
5-6LF Back, RF Back
7-8LF Back, Touch RF next to LF
Tag : Rocking-Chair
1-2RF FW, Recover to LF
3-4RF Back, Recover to LF
Smile and enjoy the dance
Contact : maellynedance@gmail.com
Sequence : A-A-A-Tag-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-Tag-A-A-A-A-A
[1-8] Chassé R, Rock-Step, Chassé L, Rock-Step
1&2RF to the R side, LF next to RF, RF to the R side
3-4LF Back, Recover to RF
5&6LF to the L side, RF next to LF, LF to the L side
7-8RF Back, Recover to LF
[9-16] Monterey-Turn ¼ R, Monterey, Jazz-Box
1-2Point RF to the R side, Make ¼ R with RF next to LF
3-4Point LF to the L side, LF next to RF
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back
7-8RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF ( For the end make Jazz box 1/4R)
[17-24] Monterey-Turn ¼ R, Monterey, Jazz-Box
1-2Point RF to the R side, Make ¼ R with RF next to LF
3-4Point LF to the L side, LF next to RF
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back
7-8RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF
[25-32] Walkx3, Kick, Backx3, Touch
3-4RF FW, Kick LF
5-6LF Back, RF Back
7-8LF Back, Touch RF next to LF
Tag : Rocking-Chair
1-2RF FW, Recover to LF
3-4RF Back, Recover to LF
Smile and enjoy the dance
Contact : maellynedance@gmail.com