CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Jack (小杰克) (zh)

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Phrased Intermediate
Oliver Neundorf (DE) - 2021年09月
Little Brown Jack - Rascal & Mc Lane : (Album: Honky Tonk Of Life)
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Note: The dance begins after 27 beats with the start of the singing
注: 27节拍后,随着歌声的开始,舞蹈开始
Sequence: AB, Tag; ABB, Tag; A, Tag; BBB, Tag; A, A *, Ending
序列: AB,标签; ABB,标签; A、标签; BBB,标签; A, A *, 结尾

Part / Part A (1 wall)
A1: Shuffle back, coaster step, point & point & point-pivot ¼ r-hook
部分 / A 部分(1 面墙)
A1:洗牌,过山车步骤,点和点和点枢轴 ¼ r 钩

1 & 2step backwards with right - put left foot on right and step backwards with the right
3 & 4step backwards with left - put right foot on left and small step forward with left
5 &​​ Tap right toe on right and right foot on left foot
6 &Tap left toe on the left and place left foot on right foot
7 & 8Tap right toe on the right - ¼ turn to the right on both balls of the feet, weight at the end on the left, and right foot in front of left cross your shins (3 o'clock)
1 & 2向右后退 - 将左脚放在右边 向右后退
3 &4向左后退 - 将右脚放在左侧 左手向前一小步
5 &用右脚敲击右脚尖,用左脚敲击右脚
6 &左脚尖在左边,左脚放在右脚上
7 & 8轻拍右侧的右脚趾 - 在两个球上向右转动 ¼ 脚,重量在左侧,右脚在左前方 交叉你的小腿(3点钟)

A2: Shuffle forward, shuffle forward turning ½ r, rock back, step, pivot ¼ l
A2:向前移动,向前移动 ½ r,向后摇动,步,枢轴 ¼ l

1 & 2step forward with right - put left foot on right and step forward with your right
3 & 4¼ turn clockwise and step left with left - right foot to the left, ¼ turn to the right and step forward, back with left (9 o'clock)
5-6step backwards with the right - weight back on the left foot
7-8step forward right - ¼ turn counterclockwise on both balls, weight at the end on the left (6 o'clock)
(End for A *: The dance ends after '5-6' - direction 9 o'clock; at the end dance the end sequence)
1 &2向右迈步 - 将左脚放在右边,然后向前迈步 你的权利
3 & 4¼ 顺时针转,左脚-右脚向左走 向左,向右转 ¼ 并向前走,向左向后(9 点钟方向)
5-6右脚后退步 - 重心放在左脚上
7-8右转步 - 在两个球上逆时针转 ¼ 圈,重量 在左边的尽头(6点钟)
(A *结尾:舞蹈在'5-6' - 9点钟方向后结束;最后舞蹈结束序列)

A3: Step, pivot ½ l, walk 2, Mambo forward, coaster step
A3:步,旋转 ½ l,走 2,Mambo 向前,过山车步

1-2step forward with right - ½ turn to the left on both balls, weight at the end on the left (12 o'clock)
3-4 2steps forward (r - l) (Option: ½ turn to the left and step backwards with right - ½ turn to the left and step forward with left)
5 &​​6 step forward with right - weight back on left foot and step backwards with the right
7 & 8step backwards with left - put right foot on left and small step forward with left
1-2向右向前迈出步 - 两个球都向左 ½ 转重量为 左边的尽头(12点钟)
3-4向前 2 步 (r - l)(选项:向左 ½ 转并后退一步 向右 - 向左 ½ 转,向左向前迈步)
5 & 6向右迈一步 - 重心放在左脚上并迈步 向右向后
7 & 8向左后退 - 将右脚放在左侧,向左向前一小步

A4: Kick, kick side, sailor step r + l
A4:踢,踢边,水手步 r + l

1-2kick right foot forward - kick right foot right
3 & 4cross right foot behind left - step to the left with left and weight back on right foot
5-6kick left foot forward - kick left foot left
7 & 8cross left foot behind right - step right with right and weight back on your left foot
1-2右脚向前踢 - 右脚向右踢
3 & 4右脚在左后交叉 - 用左脚和重物向左迈步 回到右脚
5-6左脚向前踢 - 左脚向左踢
7 & 8左脚在右后方交叉 - 向右迈一步,重量向后 在你的左脚上

Part / Part B (1 wall; starts the 1st time towards 12 o'clock)
B1: Arm movement, slap, clap 2x, rock forward, stomp 2x
Part / Part B(1 面墙;从 12 点开始第 1 次)
B1:手臂运动,拍打,拍手 2 次,向前晃动,跺脚 2 次

1-2cross arms across the chest (right over left) - with both hands clap your thighs sideways
3-4clap twice
5-6step forward with right - weight back on left foot
7-8stamp the right foot next to the left one twice (without changing weight)
1-2双臂交叉在胸前(右上方)——双手 侧身拍打你的大腿
5-6右脚向前步 - 重心放在左脚上

B2: Arm movement, slap, clap 2x, rock forward, stomp
B2:手臂运动,拍打,拍手 2 次,向前晃动,跺脚

1-2cross arms across the chest (right over left) - with both hands clap your thighs sideways
3-4clap twice
5-6step forward with right - weight back on left foot
7Stamp the right foot 1x next to the left (without changing weight)
1-2双臂交叉在胸前(右上方)——双手 侧身拍打你的大腿
5-6右脚向前 步 - 重心放在左脚上
7将右脚印在左脚旁边 1 次(不改变重量)

Tag / bridge (4 wall; starts the 1st time in the direction of 12 o'clock)
Jazz box turning ¼ r, jazz box
标记/桥(4 墙;12 点钟方向第 1 次开始)
爵士盒转动 ¼ r, 爵士盒

1-2cross right foot over left - step backwards with left
3-4¼ turn clockwise and step right with right - put left foot next to right (3 o'clock)
5-6Cross right foot over left - step back with left
7-8step to the right with right - put left foot next to right
1-2右脚跨过左脚 - 左脚后退
3-4¼ 顺时针转并向右迈一步 - 将左脚放在旁边 右(3点钟)
7-8向右走步 - 将左脚放在右边

Ending (starts in the direction of 9 o'clock)
Step, ¾ turn l / stomp, hold 3, stomp forward
步,¾ 转 l / 跺脚,按住 3,向前跺跺

7-8step forward with right - ¾ turn left on the right ball of the foot (raise left knee) and left foot next to right stomp (12 o'clock)
1-4Hold [1-3] - stamp right foot forward
7-8向右前移 - ¾ 右脚球向左转 (抬起左膝左脚靠近右脚(12点钟方向)
1-4按住 [1-3] - 右脚向前踩踏

Oliver Neundorf Address: Germany 德国
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