Intro: 32 count
Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left, Touch
1 - 2Step right to right, step left behind right
3 - 4Step right to right, touch left beside right
5 - 6Step left to left, step right behind left,
7 - 8Step left to left, touch right beside left
Back, Tap, Forward, Tap, Back Tap, Forward Scuff
1 - 2Step right back, tap left in front of right
3 - 4Step left forward, tap right behind left
5 - 6Step right back, tap left in front of right
7 - 8Step left forward, scuff right forward
Walk Right, Left, Right, ¼ Turn Right with Hitch, Walk Left, Right, Left, Touch
1 - 2Walk forward right, walk left forward
3 - 4Walk right forward, hitch left and stepping ¼ turn right (weight on right)
5 - 6Walk forward left, walk forward right
7 - 8Step forward left, touch right beside left
Step Right and Left Diagonal Back, Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1 - 2Step right diagonal back, touch left beside right
3 - 4Step left diagonal back, touch right beside left
*Restart here
5 - 6Step right to right, touch left beside right
7 - 8Step left to left, touch right beside left
*Restart after 28 count (easy to hear in the track) on wall:
*2 (6.00), 4 (12.00), 6 (6.00), 9 (3.00)
Contact: lappa@hotmail.com
Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left, Touch
1 - 2Step right to right, step left behind right
3 - 4Step right to right, touch left beside right
5 - 6Step left to left, step right behind left,
7 - 8Step left to left, touch right beside left
Back, Tap, Forward, Tap, Back Tap, Forward Scuff
1 - 2Step right back, tap left in front of right
3 - 4Step left forward, tap right behind left
5 - 6Step right back, tap left in front of right
7 - 8Step left forward, scuff right forward
Walk Right, Left, Right, ¼ Turn Right with Hitch, Walk Left, Right, Left, Touch
1 - 2Walk forward right, walk left forward
3 - 4Walk right forward, hitch left and stepping ¼ turn right (weight on right)
5 - 6Walk forward left, walk forward right
7 - 8Step forward left, touch right beside left
Step Right and Left Diagonal Back, Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1 - 2Step right diagonal back, touch left beside right
3 - 4Step left diagonal back, touch right beside left
*Restart here
5 - 6Step right to right, touch left beside right
7 - 8Step left to left, touch right beside left
*Restart after 28 count (easy to hear in the track) on wall:
*2 (6.00), 4 (12.00), 6 (6.00), 9 (3.00)
Contact: lappa@hotmail.com