Start after 16 count intro on the word 'colour' as he sings 'It's not the colour ......' - approx. 8 secs -
Music - 3mins 58 secs - 127bpm - Available: Amazon
[1-8] R side, L touch, L kick ball cross, L side rock/recover, L cross shuffle
1-2Step R side, touch L together
3&4Kick L on left diagonal, step L back, cross step R over L
5-6Rock L side, recover weight on R turning body slightly to right diagonal
7&8Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R
WALL 3 RESTART: Complete first 8 counts and restart the dance facing front wall
[9-16] Grapevine cross R, R side rock/recover, R behind, ¼ L, L fwd, R fwd
1-4Step R side, cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6Rock R side, recover weight on L
7&8Cross step R behind L, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward (9 o'clock)
[17-24] L fwd rock/recover, L back, hold, & R ball step back, R rock back/recover, R fwd
1-4Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L back, hold
&5-8Step R back, step L back, rock R back, recover weight on L, step R forward
[25-32] L side, hold, R together, L side, hold, R together, L side, R touch, ¼ R, R fwd, ½ R, L back
1-2&Step L side, hold, step R together
3-4&Step L side, hold, step R together
5-6Step L side, touch R together
7-8Turning ¼ right step R forward, turning ½ right step L back (6 o'clock)
Ending: Dance first 32 counts you will end facing front and simply step back on right & strike a pose!
[33-40] ¼ R, R chassé, R weave 2, ¼ L toaster step, walk fwd R/L
1&2Turning ¼ right step R to right side, L together, step R to right side (9 o'clock)
3-4Cross step L over R, step R side
5&6Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o'clock)
7-8Step R forward, step L forward
[41-48] R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R vaudeville step, R behind, L side, R cross over, ¼ L, L fwd
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross step R over L, step L back, touch R heel forward on right diagonal (body on slight right diagonal)
5-8Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L, turning ¼ left step L forward (12 o'clock)
[49-56] R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R vaudeville step, R behind, ¼ L, walk fwd R/L (optional full L turn)
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (9 o'clock)
3&4Cross step R over L, step L back, touch R heel forward on right diagonal (body on slight right diagonal)
5-8Cross step R behind L, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward, step L forward (6 o'clock)
Turning option counts 7-8: Turning ½ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward
[57-64] R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, R forward, ½ L pivot turn, R jazz box cross
1-4Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward, pivot ½ left (6 o'clock)
Non-turning option counts 1-4: R rocking chair - rock R forward, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L
5-8Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
Contact: Alison & Peter at info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk & Jo Kinser on jokinser@me.com
Last Update - 23 Sept. 2021
Music - 3mins 58 secs - 127bpm - Available: Amazon
[1-8] R side, L touch, L kick ball cross, L side rock/recover, L cross shuffle
1-2Step R side, touch L together
3&4Kick L on left diagonal, step L back, cross step R over L
5-6Rock L side, recover weight on R turning body slightly to right diagonal
7&8Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R
WALL 3 RESTART: Complete first 8 counts and restart the dance facing front wall
[9-16] Grapevine cross R, R side rock/recover, R behind, ¼ L, L fwd, R fwd
1-4Step R side, cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6Rock R side, recover weight on L
7&8Cross step R behind L, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward (9 o'clock)
[17-24] L fwd rock/recover, L back, hold, & R ball step back, R rock back/recover, R fwd
1-4Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L back, hold
&5-8Step R back, step L back, rock R back, recover weight on L, step R forward
[25-32] L side, hold, R together, L side, hold, R together, L side, R touch, ¼ R, R fwd, ½ R, L back
1-2&Step L side, hold, step R together
3-4&Step L side, hold, step R together
5-6Step L side, touch R together
7-8Turning ¼ right step R forward, turning ½ right step L back (6 o'clock)
Ending: Dance first 32 counts you will end facing front and simply step back on right & strike a pose!
[33-40] ¼ R, R chassé, R weave 2, ¼ L toaster step, walk fwd R/L
1&2Turning ¼ right step R to right side, L together, step R to right side (9 o'clock)
3-4Cross step L over R, step R side
5&6Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o'clock)
7-8Step R forward, step L forward
[41-48] R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R vaudeville step, R behind, L side, R cross over, ¼ L, L fwd
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross step R over L, step L back, touch R heel forward on right diagonal (body on slight right diagonal)
5-8Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L, turning ¼ left step L forward (12 o'clock)
[49-56] R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R vaudeville step, R behind, ¼ L, walk fwd R/L (optional full L turn)
1-2Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (9 o'clock)
3&4Cross step R over L, step L back, touch R heel forward on right diagonal (body on slight right diagonal)
5-8Cross step R behind L, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward, step L forward (6 o'clock)
Turning option counts 7-8: Turning ½ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward
[57-64] R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, R forward, ½ L pivot turn, R jazz box cross
1-4Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward, pivot ½ left (6 o'clock)
Non-turning option counts 1-4: R rocking chair - rock R forward, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L
5-8Cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, cross step L over R
Contact: Alison & Peter at info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk & Jo Kinser on jokinser@me.com
Last Update - 23 Sept. 2021