Starting position, face to face
[1-8] M : (Walk) x 2, Mambo Fwd, (Back) x 2, Mambo Back
[1-8] W: (Back) x 2, Mambo Back, (Walk) x 2, Mambo Fwd
1-2M: L foot in front - R foot in front
W: R foot back - L foot back
3&4M: L foot in front - recover R foot - L foot back
W: R foot Back - recover L foot - R foot in front
5-6M: R foot back - L foot back
W: L foot in front - R foot in front
7&8M: R foot back - recover L foot - R foot next to L
Restart 1 here
[9-16] Pointe, ¼ Turn Together, Heel, Together, (Step Lock Step) x 2, Rock Side ¼ Turn
1&2&M: L foot pointed left - L next to R with ¼ turn left - R heel in front - R foot next to L
W: R foot pointed right - R next to L with ¼ turn right - L heel in front - L foot next to R
Leave partner's R hand and keep L hand
3&4M: L foot in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
W: R foot in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
5&6M: R foot in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
W: L foot in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
7-8M: L foot to left with ¼ turn right - recover R
W: R foot to right with ¼ turn left - recover L
take back both hands face to face
Restart 2 here
[17-24] Behind Side Cross, Scissor Step ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step Lock Step
1&2M: L foot crossed behind - R side foot - L foot crossed in front
W: R foot crossed behind - L side foot - R foot crossed in front
3&4M: R side foot - L foot next to R - R foot in front with ¼ turn left
W: L side foot - R foot next to L - L foot in front with ¼ turn right
Leave partner's R hand and keep L hand
5-6M: L foot back with ½ turn right - R foot in front with ½ turn right
W: R foot back with ½ turn left - L foot in front with ½ turn left
7&8M: L foot in front - R foot crossed behind - L foot in front
W: R foot in front - L foot crossed behind - R foot in front
[25-32] (Walk) x 2, Kick Ball Step, Step, ½ Turn, Side ¼ Turn, Touch
1-2M: R foot in front - L foot in front
W: L foot in front - R foot in front
3&4M: R foot kick in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
W: L foot kick in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
5-6M: R foot in front - L foot weight with ½ turn left
W: L foot in front - R foot weight with ½ turn right
Leave the L hand of the partner
7&8M: R foot side with ¼ turn left - L foot touch next to L
W: L foot side with ¼ turn right - R foot touch next to R
take back both hands face to face
Restart 1: At the 2nd routine after 8 counts
Restart 2: At the 4th routine after 16 counts
[1-8] M : (Walk) x 2, Mambo Fwd, (Back) x 2, Mambo Back
[1-8] W: (Back) x 2, Mambo Back, (Walk) x 2, Mambo Fwd
1-2M: L foot in front - R foot in front
W: R foot back - L foot back
3&4M: L foot in front - recover R foot - L foot back
W: R foot Back - recover L foot - R foot in front
5-6M: R foot back - L foot back
W: L foot in front - R foot in front
7&8M: R foot back - recover L foot - R foot next to L
Restart 1 here
[9-16] Pointe, ¼ Turn Together, Heel, Together, (Step Lock Step) x 2, Rock Side ¼ Turn
1&2&M: L foot pointed left - L next to R with ¼ turn left - R heel in front - R foot next to L
W: R foot pointed right - R next to L with ¼ turn right - L heel in front - L foot next to R
Leave partner's R hand and keep L hand
3&4M: L foot in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
W: R foot in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
5&6M: R foot in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
W: L foot in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
7-8M: L foot to left with ¼ turn right - recover R
W: R foot to right with ¼ turn left - recover L
take back both hands face to face
Restart 2 here
[17-24] Behind Side Cross, Scissor Step ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step Lock Step
1&2M: L foot crossed behind - R side foot - L foot crossed in front
W: R foot crossed behind - L side foot - R foot crossed in front
3&4M: R side foot - L foot next to R - R foot in front with ¼ turn left
W: L side foot - R foot next to L - L foot in front with ¼ turn right
Leave partner's R hand and keep L hand
5-6M: L foot back with ½ turn right - R foot in front with ½ turn right
W: R foot back with ½ turn left - L foot in front with ½ turn left
7&8M: L foot in front - R foot crossed behind - L foot in front
W: R foot in front - L foot crossed behind - R foot in front
[25-32] (Walk) x 2, Kick Ball Step, Step, ½ Turn, Side ¼ Turn, Touch
1-2M: R foot in front - L foot in front
W: L foot in front - R foot in front
3&4M: R foot kick in front - R foot next to L - L foot in front
W: L foot kick in front - L foot next to R - R foot in front
5-6M: R foot in front - L foot weight with ½ turn left
W: L foot in front - R foot weight with ½ turn right
Leave the L hand of the partner
7&8M: R foot side with ¼ turn left - L foot touch next to L
W: L foot side with ¼ turn right - R foot touch next to R
take back both hands face to face
Restart 1: At the 2nd routine after 8 counts
Restart 2: At the 4th routine after 16 counts