Intermediate waltz
Intro: 24 Counts.
Step, 1/2, Back, Back, 1/2, Sweep.
1-3Step forward Left, make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left (6:00)
4-6Step back on Right, make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left, sweep Right forward. (12:00)
Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Point, Hold.
1-3Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left.
4-6Step Left to Left side, Point Right to Right side while torquing upper body to Left and looking to Left. Hold. (12:00)
1/4, Full Turn Spiral, Step, Step, 1/2.
1-3Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left,Spiral a Full turn Right. (3:00)
4-6Step forward Right, step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right sweeping Right to back. (9:00)
Sailor Step, Behind, Side, 1/8.
1-3Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side.
4-6Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, make 1/8 turn Right stepping forward Left. (10:30)
Step, 1/8, 1/8, Back, 1/8, 1/8.
1-3Step forward on Right, make 1/8 turn Right stepping Left to Left side, 1/8 turn to Right stepping back on Right. (1:30)
4-6Step back on Left, make 1/8 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, 1/8 turn Right stepping forward on Left. (4:30)
Step, Drag, Step, Step, 1/2.
1-3Step forward a large step on Right, dragging Left towards Right.
4-6Step forward on Left, step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left. (10:30)
Rock, Recover, 1/8 Side, Cross Rock, 1/4.
1-3Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Right, 1/8 turn Right stepping Right to Right side. (12:00)
4-6Cross rock Left over Right, recover Right, 1/4 turn Left stepping forward Left. (9:00)
Step, 1/2, Sweep, Back, Sweep.
1-3Step forward Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left sweeping Left to back. (3:00)
4-6Step back on Left sweeping Right back.
Rock & Sweep, Twinkle Step.
1-3Rock back on Right, recover on Left, sweep Right forward.
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side.
Twinkle Step, Cross, Side, Behind.
1-3Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left.
1/4, Step, 1/2, Step, Drag.
1-3Make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left. (6:00)
4-6Step forward a large step on Right, drag Left toward Right. (*R*)
Step, 1/4, Behind, 1/4, Step, 1/2.
1-3Step forward on Left, make 1/4 turn to left stepping Right to Right side. cross step Left behind Right. (3:00)
4-6Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn Right. (12:00)
Basic Forward, Back, Point, Hold.
1-3Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left, step Left next to Right.
4-6Step back on Right, point Left to Left side, Hold. (12:00)
Twinkle Step, Twinkle Step.
1-3Cross step Left over Right, step Right next to Left, step Left to Left side. (Body facing Left diagonal) (10:30)
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side. (Body facing Right diagonal) (1:30)
Step, Drag, Lift, Back, Rock Step.
1-3Step forward on Left, drag Right towards Left, lift Right into a slight hitch. (1:30)
4-6Step back on Right, rock back on Left, recover on Right.
Step, Drag, Back, Back. 3/8.
1-3Step forward on Left, drag Right towards Left. (2 Counts No Lift)
4-6Step back Right, step back Left, make 3/8 turn to Right stepping forward Right. (6:00)
Tag: End of Wall 1
1-3Step Forward on Left, point Right to Right side, Hold.
4-6Step back on Right, point Left to Left side, Hold.
*R* Restart.. Wall 2..
Dance Up To & Including Count 66... Then Restart From Beginning Facing 12:00
Step, 1/2, Back, Back, 1/2, Sweep.
1-3Step forward Left, make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right, step back on Left (6:00)
4-6Step back on Right, make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left, sweep Right forward. (12:00)
Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Point, Hold.
1-3Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left.
4-6Step Left to Left side, Point Right to Right side while torquing upper body to Left and looking to Left. Hold. (12:00)
1/4, Full Turn Spiral, Step, Step, 1/2.
1-3Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left,Spiral a Full turn Right. (3:00)
4-6Step forward Right, step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right sweeping Right to back. (9:00)
Sailor Step, Behind, Side, 1/8.
1-3Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side.
4-6Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, make 1/8 turn Right stepping forward Left. (10:30)
Step, 1/8, 1/8, Back, 1/8, 1/8.
1-3Step forward on Right, make 1/8 turn Right stepping Left to Left side, 1/8 turn to Right stepping back on Right. (1:30)
4-6Step back on Left, make 1/8 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, 1/8 turn Right stepping forward on Left. (4:30)
Step, Drag, Step, Step, 1/2.
1-3Step forward a large step on Right, dragging Left towards Right.
4-6Step forward on Left, step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left. (10:30)
Rock, Recover, 1/8 Side, Cross Rock, 1/4.
1-3Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Right, 1/8 turn Right stepping Right to Right side. (12:00)
4-6Cross rock Left over Right, recover Right, 1/4 turn Left stepping forward Left. (9:00)
Step, 1/2, Sweep, Back, Sweep.
1-3Step forward Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left sweeping Left to back. (3:00)
4-6Step back on Left sweeping Right back.
Rock & Sweep, Twinkle Step.
1-3Rock back on Right, recover on Left, sweep Right forward.
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side.
Twinkle Step, Cross, Side, Behind.
1-3Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left.
1/4, Step, 1/2, Step, Drag.
1-3Make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward Left, step forward Right, pivot 1/2 turn Left. (6:00)
4-6Step forward a large step on Right, drag Left toward Right. (*R*)
Step, 1/4, Behind, 1/4, Step, 1/2.
1-3Step forward on Left, make 1/4 turn to left stepping Right to Right side. cross step Left behind Right. (3:00)
4-6Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward Left, pivot 1/2 turn Right. (12:00)
Basic Forward, Back, Point, Hold.
1-3Step forward on Left, step Right next to Left, step Left next to Right.
4-6Step back on Right, point Left to Left side, Hold. (12:00)
Twinkle Step, Twinkle Step.
1-3Cross step Left over Right, step Right next to Left, step Left to Left side. (Body facing Left diagonal) (10:30)
4-6Cross step Right over Left, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side. (Body facing Right diagonal) (1:30)
Step, Drag, Lift, Back, Rock Step.
1-3Step forward on Left, drag Right towards Left, lift Right into a slight hitch. (1:30)
4-6Step back on Right, rock back on Left, recover on Right.
Step, Drag, Back, Back. 3/8.
1-3Step forward on Left, drag Right towards Left. (2 Counts No Lift)
4-6Step back Right, step back Left, make 3/8 turn to Right stepping forward Right. (6:00)
Tag: End of Wall 1
1-3Step Forward on Left, point Right to Right side, Hold.
4-6Step back on Right, point Left to Left side, Hold.
*R* Restart.. Wall 2..
Dance Up To & Including Count 66... Then Restart From Beginning Facing 12:00