CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Viva Love Forever

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Easy Intermediate
Klara Wallman (SWE) - June 2021
Bailá Bailá - Alvaro Estrella
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Start on vocals, 16 counts intro.

Mambo step, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock and Cross, Turn ¼, Turn ¼, Cross
1&2Rock R forward (1), Recover onto L (&), Step R foot next to L (3).
3&4Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4).
5&6Rock R to R side (5), Recover onto L (&), Cross R over L (6).
7&8Turn ¼ to R stepping L back (7), Turn ¼ to R stepping R to R side (&), Cross L over R (8) (6.00).

Rock and Cross, Rock and Cross, Turn 1/8 with Hip roll x2
1&2Rock R to R side (1), Recover onto L (&), Cross R over L (2).
3&4Rock L to L side (3), Recover onto R (&), Cross L over R (4).
(Tag 2)
5-6Step R forward and roll your hip (5), Pivot 1/8 L (6)
7-8Step R forward and roll your hip (7), Pivot 1/8 L (8) (3.00)

Heel-grind, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock turn ¼, Kickball Step
1-2Cross R Heel over L (1), Grind R Heel as you step L to L side (2).
3&4Step R behind L (3), Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (4).
5-6Rock L to L side (5), Recover onto R as you turn ¼ R (6) (6.00).
7&8Kick L forward (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (8).

Hip Sway x2, Shuffle, Jazzbox ¼
1-2Step L forward as you sway your hip forward (1), Sway your hip back and end with weight on R (2).
3&4Step L forward (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (4).
5-6-7-8Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R Step L back (6), Step R to R side (7), Cross L over R (8) (9.00).

Step Ball-step x2 with turn ½, Step, Rockstep x3, Step w. Sweep
1&2Turn ¼ Step R forward (1), Step L next to R (&), Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (6).
&3-4Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (3), Step L forward (4) (3.00)
5&6&Rock R forward (5), Recover onto L (&), Rock R back (6), Recover onto L (&)
7&8Rock R forward (7), Recover onto L (&), Step R back as you sweep L from front to back (8).

Behind, Side, Cross and Cross and Cross, Jazzbox ¼.
1&2&Step L behind R (1), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (2), Take a small step R to R side (&).
3&4Cross L over R (3), Take a small step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4).
5-6-7-8Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R Step L back (6), Step R to R side (7), Step L forward (8) (6.00).

Start again!

Tag 1 (4 counts): Happens after wall 2 (facing 12.00)
1-2-3-4Cross R over L (1), Step L Back (2), Step R to R side (3), Step L forward (4).

Tag 2 (8 counts): Happens during wall 5 (facing 6.00)
Dance wall 5 up to count 12 thereafter:
1-2Step R forward and roll your hip (1), Pivot ¼ L (2)
3-4Step R forward and roll your hip (3), Pivot ¼ L (4) (12.00)
5-6-7-8Touch R next to L as you raise both hands over your head in a wide circle (over 4 counts).
Restart the dance after the tag.


This dance is dedicated to my lovely dancers in Söderköping, Sweden.

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