CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stuck on You

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Intermediate NC2S
Rex Chuan (USA) & Vivian Chen (USA)
Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
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Tag: 0 - Restart: 2 Types/3 Instances

Start: after 18 counts(pay attention to the extra two counts) of intro, start one count before vocal
Sequence: 32,16,32,16,32,8,32,8,Ending

S1: Side, Pivot Turn, Cross-Side-Kick-Step X2 (L-R), Sailor Step With Turn
123Step RF R(1), quarter turn R and step forward(2), half turn R and weight on RF(3)
4&5&Step LF across RF(4), step RF R(&), kick LFdiagonally(5), step LF in place(&)
6&7&Step RF across LF(6), step LF L(&), kick RF diagonally(7), step RF in place(&)
8&Quarter turn L and step LF behind RF(8), quarter turn L and step RF R(&) (3:00)

S2: Rock-Recover, KIck-Cross-Side-Cross, Scissor Step, Three Step Turn
1&2&Step LF forward(1), slightly hitch RF(&), rock RF backwards(2), recover(&)
34&5Kick RF forward(3) and sweep back, step RF behind LF(4), step LF L(&), step RF across LF(5)
6&7Step LF L(6), step RF together(&), step LF across RF(7)
8&R quarter turn and step RF forward(8), R half turn and step LF backwards(&) (12:00)

S3: Cross, Side, Back Cross, Back Cross, Forward Cha Cha, Turn & Cross Cha Cha, Turn & Cross Cha Cha
12&R half turn and step RF forward(1) and sweep LF forward(1), step LF across RF(2), step RF R(&)
34&Step LF behind RF(3) and sweep RF backwards, step RF behind LF(4), step LF L(&)
5&6&Quarter turn and step RF forward(5), lock in RF(&), step RF forward(6), L quarter turn and step LF across RF(&)
7&8&Step RF R(7), step LF across RF(&), R quarter turn and step RF across LF(8), step LF L(&) (9:00)

S4: Rock Recover, Side, Rock Recover, Back, Rock Recover, Side, Rock Recover, Three Step Turn
12&Rock RF across LF(1), recover(2), R quarter turn and step RF R(&)
34&5Rock LF across RF(3), recover(4), step LF backwards(&), rock RF backwards(5)
6&7Recover(6), L quarter turn and step RF R(&), rock LF bac(3:00)

Restart Modifications:
*1. In the case of restart after section 4, before count 1 according to step instruction you are facing 3:00, you want to step LF forward on count 1 and follow the step instruction onward.
*2. In the case of restart after section 2, on the next count(1) you just finished a three step turn and face 12:00, you want to make a right turn and step LF forward on count 2, and follow the step instruction onward.
*3. In the case of restart after section 1, you find yourself on LF on count 1 facing 3:00, you want to hitch RF and rock backwards on count 2, and step RF forward on count 3, and follow the step instructions onward.

Enjoy the dance!

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Lucichryz July 31, 2021
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