Intro: 16 :: 2 Tag's (End of wall 3 and 7)
Basic Step R and Back, Lindy R
1-4Step R, touch L to R, step L, touch R to L
5&6-7-8Step R/L/R, step back on L, step on R
Basic Step L and Back, Lindy L
1-4Step L, touch R to L, Step R, touch L to R
5&6-7-8Step L/R/L, step back on R. step on L
Toe/Heel, Rocking Chair
1-8Step R Toe/Heel, L Toe/Heel, Step R fwd. rock back on L, rock back on R, return fwd. to L
Jazz Box turning ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, step back on L turning R, step on R, step on L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, step L fwd. diagonally, step R back to center, step on L to center
*Tags at end of wall 3 and 7 for 16 counts
1-8Lock step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, step R fwd. diagonally, touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, touch R to L, step L fwd. diagonally, touch R to L
1-8Zig-Zag Back, Step R back diagonally, touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, touch L to R, Step back R diagonally, touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, touch R to L
**At the end of the song, Wall 10, you will start over for the first 20 counts, (Basic R and Lindy, Basic L and Lindy, then Toe/heel R and L, and a slow Rocking Chair) or It's up to you however you want to end it.
That's it! Enjoy the catchy song.
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Basic Step R and Back, Lindy R
1-4Step R, touch L to R, step L, touch R to L
5&6-7-8Step R/L/R, step back on L, step on R
Basic Step L and Back, Lindy L
1-4Step L, touch R to L, Step R, touch L to R
5&6-7-8Step L/R/L, step back on R. step on L
Toe/Heel, Rocking Chair
1-8Step R Toe/Heel, L Toe/Heel, Step R fwd. rock back on L, rock back on R, return fwd. to L
Jazz Box turning ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, step back on L turning R, step on R, step on L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, step L fwd. diagonally, step R back to center, step on L to center
*Tags at end of wall 3 and 7 for 16 counts
1-8Lock step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, step R fwd. diagonally, touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, touch R to L, step L fwd. diagonally, touch R to L
1-8Zig-Zag Back, Step R back diagonally, touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, touch L to R, Step back R diagonally, touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, touch R to L
**At the end of the song, Wall 10, you will start over for the first 20 counts, (Basic R and Lindy, Basic L and Lindy, then Toe/heel R and L, and a slow Rocking Chair) or It's up to you however you want to end it.
That's it! Enjoy the catchy song.
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com