Low Intermediate waltz
Intro: 48 counts (approx. 23 secs) - Start on the word "troubles" as you hear the lyrics "May your troubles be few".
S1: R Twinkle, Cross L, ½ Turn L with Sweep
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, keeping weight on L make ½ turn left and sweep R around (over 2 counts) 6:00
S2 R Twinkle, Cross L, ¼ Turn L with Sweep
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, keeping weight on L make ¼ turn left and sweep R around (over 2 counts) 3:00
S3: Weave, Side L, Drag R
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L to left side, step R behind L
4,5,6Step L to left side, drag R up to L (over 2 counts - weight stays on L) 3:00
S4: Rolling Vine R, Step L, Diagonal Kick R
1,2,3Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, make ½ turn right stepping back on L, make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side
4,5,6Cross L over R, kick R to right diagonal twice (towards 4:30)
S5: R Sailor Travelling Back, L Sailor Travelling Back
1,2,3Step R back and behind L, rock L to left side (straightening up to 3:00), recover on R
4,5,6Step L back and behind R, rock R to right side, recover on L 3:00
S6: Step R, Sweep L, Step L, Sweep R
1,2,3Step forward on R, sweep L from back to front (over 2 counts)
4,5,6Step forward on L, sweep R from back to front (over 2 counts)
S7: R Twinkle, L Twinkle ¼ L
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, make ¼ turn left stepping back on R, step L in place beside R 12:00
S8: R Twinkle ½ R, L Coaster
1,2,3Cross R over L, make ½ turn right stepping L beside R, step R in place beside L 6:00
4,5,6Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
Start Over
TAG: At the end of Wall 6 facing 12:00 add the following 6-count tag:
Side R, Drag L, Side L, Drag R
1,2,3Step R to right side, drag L up to R (over 2 counts)
4,5,6Step L to left side, drag R up to L (over 2 counts)
(option: clap twice during the drag steps on counts 2-3 and 5-6)
S1: R Twinkle, Cross L, ½ Turn L with Sweep
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, keeping weight on L make ½ turn left and sweep R around (over 2 counts) 6:00
S2 R Twinkle, Cross L, ¼ Turn L with Sweep
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, keeping weight on L make ¼ turn left and sweep R around (over 2 counts) 3:00
S3: Weave, Side L, Drag R
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L to left side, step R behind L
4,5,6Step L to left side, drag R up to L (over 2 counts - weight stays on L) 3:00
S4: Rolling Vine R, Step L, Diagonal Kick R
1,2,3Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, make ½ turn right stepping back on L, make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side
4,5,6Cross L over R, kick R to right diagonal twice (towards 4:30)
S5: R Sailor Travelling Back, L Sailor Travelling Back
1,2,3Step R back and behind L, rock L to left side (straightening up to 3:00), recover on R
4,5,6Step L back and behind R, rock R to right side, recover on L 3:00
S6: Step R, Sweep L, Step L, Sweep R
1,2,3Step forward on R, sweep L from back to front (over 2 counts)
4,5,6Step forward on L, sweep R from back to front (over 2 counts)
S7: R Twinkle, L Twinkle ¼ L
1,2,3Cross R over L, step L beside R, step R in place angling body to right diagonal
4,5,6Cross L over R, make ¼ turn left stepping back on R, step L in place beside R 12:00
S8: R Twinkle ½ R, L Coaster
1,2,3Cross R over L, make ½ turn right stepping L beside R, step R in place beside L 6:00
4,5,6Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
Start Over
TAG: At the end of Wall 6 facing 12:00 add the following 6-count tag:
Side R, Drag L, Side L, Drag R
1,2,3Step R to right side, drag L up to R (over 2 counts)
4,5,6Step L to left side, drag R up to L (over 2 counts)
(option: clap twice during the drag steps on counts 2-3 and 5-6)