Restart on Wall 4 (starts at 9:00), after Count 16 (facing 12:00)
Intro: 16 counts, weight on left
(1-8) Syncopated lock step, 1/4 left turn syncopated lock step, cross unwind 1/2 left, 3 hip bumps
1,2&Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
3,4&1/4 left turn step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward (9:00)
5,6Cross R over L, unwind 1/2 turn left (3:00)
7&8Hip bump L, R, L*
*Styling option: heel swivels instead of hip bumps: with bent knees swivel heels left, right, left
(9-16) Side hold, ball side, touch behind, side, touch behind, point, 2 taps
1,2Step R to right, hold
&3,4Step L ball next to R, step R to right, touch L behind R
5,6Step L to left, touch R behind L
7&8Point R to right, tap R closer to L, tap R next to L
RESTART HERE: Wall 4 (starts at 9:00), facing (12:00)
(16-24) Step side and drag/chasse x2 (makes a 3/4 right turning box)
1,2Step R to right, drag L next to R
3&41/4 right turn step L to left, close R, step L to left (6:00)
5,61/4 right turn step R to right, drag L next to R (9:00)
7&81/4 right turn step L to left, close R, step L to left (12:00)
(25-32) Cross, hold, scissor, step side with drag, behind, 1/4 right turn step, step, hitch
1,2&Cross R over L, hold (opt: body roll), step L to left
3,4Close R, cross L over R
5,6Step R to right, drag L towards R
&7&8Cross L behind, 1/4 right turn step R forward, step L forward, low R hitch (3:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: wendyjohansson1@gmail.com and barbara.tobin@yahoo.com (06/25/2021)
Intro: 16 counts, weight on left
(1-8) Syncopated lock step, 1/4 left turn syncopated lock step, cross unwind 1/2 left, 3 hip bumps
1,2&Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
3,4&1/4 left turn step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward (9:00)
5,6Cross R over L, unwind 1/2 turn left (3:00)
7&8Hip bump L, R, L*
*Styling option: heel swivels instead of hip bumps: with bent knees swivel heels left, right, left
(9-16) Side hold, ball side, touch behind, side, touch behind, point, 2 taps
1,2Step R to right, hold
&3,4Step L ball next to R, step R to right, touch L behind R
5,6Step L to left, touch R behind L
7&8Point R to right, tap R closer to L, tap R next to L
RESTART HERE: Wall 4 (starts at 9:00), facing (12:00)
(16-24) Step side and drag/chasse x2 (makes a 3/4 right turning box)
1,2Step R to right, drag L next to R
3&41/4 right turn step L to left, close R, step L to left (6:00)
5,61/4 right turn step R to right, drag L next to R (9:00)
7&81/4 right turn step L to left, close R, step L to left (12:00)
(25-32) Cross, hold, scissor, step side with drag, behind, 1/4 right turn step, step, hitch
1,2&Cross R over L, hold (opt: body roll), step L to left
3,4Close R, cross L over R
5,6Step R to right, drag L towards R
&7&8Cross L behind, 1/4 right turn step R forward, step L forward, low R hitch (3:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: wendyjohansson1@gmail.com and barbara.tobin@yahoo.com (06/25/2021)