DANCE: Anti Clockwise
INTRO: 16 counts on vocals - RESTARTS: 2 - TAG: 1
Rock Forward Right, Replace, Triple Step, Rock back Left, Replace, Triple Step
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, stepping RLR on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on R
567&8Rock back L, replace onto R, stepping LRL on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on L
Rock Side Right, 1/4 Turn Left, shuffle Forward RLR, Step Forward Left, 1/2 Pivot Right, Shuffle Forward LRL
123&4Rock side R, 1/4 turn L on L (weight on L), shuffle Fwd RLR
567&8Step Fwd L, 1/2 pivot R (weight on R), shuffle Fwd LRL
Step Forward Right, Point Side Left, Step Forward Left, Point Side Right, Back Right, Sweep Left back, Back Left, Sweep Right back
1234Step Fwd R, point L to side, (weight on R), Step Fwd L, point R to side, (weight on L) *
5678Step back R, sweep L from front to back, step back onto L, sweep R from front to back
Rock Back Right, Replace, Shuffle Forward RLR, Step forward L, 1/4 Turn R, Triple Step**
123&4Rock back R, replace L, shuffle Fwd RLR
567&8Step fwd L, 1/4 turn R, (weight on R), stepping LRL on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on L
RESTART *: Wall 2 facing 9.00, Wall 9 facing 12.00.
Dance to count 20, after step point L&R
TAG **: End Wall 5 facing 3.00, add "V" step
1234"V" STEP- step R out 450 R, step L out 450 L, Step back R centre, step back L centre
FINISH: Facing 6.00
123&4&Rock Fwd R, replace onto L,1/2 turn R (weight on L), Triple Step RLR on spot, (cha,cha,cha)Touch L beside L to finish
Site: Footlooselinedancers.net - Contact Email: glendasilver@gmail.com - MOBILE: 0427927019
INTRO: 16 counts on vocals - RESTARTS: 2 - TAG: 1
Rock Forward Right, Replace, Triple Step, Rock back Left, Replace, Triple Step
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, stepping RLR on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on R
567&8Rock back L, replace onto R, stepping LRL on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on L
Rock Side Right, 1/4 Turn Left, shuffle Forward RLR, Step Forward Left, 1/2 Pivot Right, Shuffle Forward LRL
123&4Rock side R, 1/4 turn L on L (weight on L), shuffle Fwd RLR
567&8Step Fwd L, 1/2 pivot R (weight on R), shuffle Fwd LRL
Step Forward Right, Point Side Left, Step Forward Left, Point Side Right, Back Right, Sweep Left back, Back Left, Sweep Right back
1234Step Fwd R, point L to side, (weight on R), Step Fwd L, point R to side, (weight on L) *
5678Step back R, sweep L from front to back, step back onto L, sweep R from front to back
Rock Back Right, Replace, Shuffle Forward RLR, Step forward L, 1/4 Turn R, Triple Step**
123&4Rock back R, replace L, shuffle Fwd RLR
567&8Step fwd L, 1/4 turn R, (weight on R), stepping LRL on the spot (cha,cha,cha), ending with weight on L
RESTART *: Wall 2 facing 9.00, Wall 9 facing 12.00.
Dance to count 20, after step point L&R
TAG **: End Wall 5 facing 3.00, add "V" step
1234"V" STEP- step R out 450 R, step L out 450 L, Step back R centre, step back L centre
FINISH: Facing 6.00
123&4&Rock Fwd R, replace onto L,1/2 turn R (weight on L), Triple Step RLR on spot, (cha,cha,cha)Touch L beside L to finish
Site: Footlooselinedancers.net - Contact Email: glendasilver@gmail.com - MOBILE: 0427927019