Easy Intermediate
#16 count intro, 2 Tags and 2 Restarts
[1-8] R Rock Recover, L Rock Recover, step ½ turn, Full Turn
1 2 &Rock forward on R, recover to L, step on R
3 4 &Rock forward on L, recover to R, step on L
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left weight on L (6:00)
7 8Turn ½ left, step back on R, turn ½ left step forward on L (6:00)
**easy option: walk forward R,L.**
[9-16] R & L Wizard, R Rock Recover, touch L heel, touch R toe
1 2 &Step R forward, step L behind R, step R forward
3 4 &Step L forward, step R behind L, step L forward
5 6 &Rock forward on R, recover L, step on R beside L
7&8Touch L heel forward, step on L, touch R toe beside L (6:00)
****restart: Wall 3****
[17-24] Rock Recover, ½ turn Triple, Step ¼ turn, Crossing Triple
1 2Rock forward on R, recover to L
3&4Step ¼ right on R, step L beside R, step R ¼ right (12:00)
5 6Step L forward turn ¼ right, weight to R (3:00)
7&8Cross step L over R, step R to right side, cross step L over R.
****restart: Wall 6****
[25-32] R side Rock Recover, behind side cross, L side Rock Recover, ½ Sailor
1 2Rock R to right side, recover to L.
3&4Step R behind L, step L to left side, cross step R over L (3:00)
5 6Rock L to left side, recover to R.
7&8Step L ¼ turn left behind R, step R ¼ turn left to side, step L to left side (9:00)
Tag: End of Walls 1 & 4,
Strutting Hip bumps R-L, step ½ turn x 2.
1&2Touch R toe forward, bump R hip, step on R
3&4Touch L toe forward, bump L hip, step on L
5-8Step R forward pivot ½ turn left, Step R forward pivot ½ turn left.
****2 Restarts: Wall 3 after 16 counts. Wall 6 after 24 counts.
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com
[1-8] R Rock Recover, L Rock Recover, step ½ turn, Full Turn
1 2 &Rock forward on R, recover to L, step on R
3 4 &Rock forward on L, recover to R, step on L
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left weight on L (6:00)
7 8Turn ½ left, step back on R, turn ½ left step forward on L (6:00)
**easy option: walk forward R,L.**
[9-16] R & L Wizard, R Rock Recover, touch L heel, touch R toe
1 2 &Step R forward, step L behind R, step R forward
3 4 &Step L forward, step R behind L, step L forward
5 6 &Rock forward on R, recover L, step on R beside L
7&8Touch L heel forward, step on L, touch R toe beside L (6:00)
****restart: Wall 3****
[17-24] Rock Recover, ½ turn Triple, Step ¼ turn, Crossing Triple
1 2Rock forward on R, recover to L
3&4Step ¼ right on R, step L beside R, step R ¼ right (12:00)
5 6Step L forward turn ¼ right, weight to R (3:00)
7&8Cross step L over R, step R to right side, cross step L over R.
****restart: Wall 6****
[25-32] R side Rock Recover, behind side cross, L side Rock Recover, ½ Sailor
1 2Rock R to right side, recover to L.
3&4Step R behind L, step L to left side, cross step R over L (3:00)
5 6Rock L to left side, recover to R.
7&8Step L ¼ turn left behind R, step R ¼ turn left to side, step L to left side (9:00)
Tag: End of Walls 1 & 4,
Strutting Hip bumps R-L, step ½ turn x 2.
1&2Touch R toe forward, bump R hip, step on R
3&4Touch L toe forward, bump L hip, step on L
5-8Step R forward pivot ½ turn left, Step R forward pivot ½ turn left.
****2 Restarts: Wall 3 after 16 counts. Wall 6 after 24 counts.
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com